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Preventing knee injuries: 1/15 workshop

Kids who play competitive sports are injuring their knees at a surprising
rate.  Here in Moscow, several kids on high school and junior high teams
hurt their knees badly enough in the last couple of seasons to need major
surgery.  It's a problem -- take my word for it.

On Wednesday Jan 16, medical professionals from Moscow and Pullman will
present a workshop on preventing knee injuries, with a focus on the ACL.
Speakers include an orthopedic surgeon, physical therapist, and athletic
trainers.  The workshop is intended for people involved with young athletes
-- parents, coaches, and trainers.  

Co-sponsors include the UI Athletics Department, Moscow Volleyball and
Soccer Clubs, Moscow School District, and Moscow Parks and Recreation.

DATE:		Wednesday Jan 16, 2002
TIME:		6:30 - 9:30 pm
LOCATION:	UI SUB, 6th and Deakin, Gold Galena Room
MORE INFO:	Lauren Fins 885-7920 or

Parents, especially if you have a child who is just starting to play
sports, this is for you.

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