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School board meetings re: budget crisis

Dear Vision2020 members,

Yesterday, I sent out the following message to the Jr. High list-serve 
describing the three meetings coming up concerning the school district 
budget crisis and thought it might be of interest to Vision2020 
members.  Please forgive me if you are on both lists.

Dave Potter


At our parents meeting yesterday, we decided it would be a good idea to 
briefly describe three school board meetings, which are coming up on Jan 
14, Jan 22 and Jan 28.

MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 6:30-8:30pm
On Monday (Jan 7), there was a public meeting so that the board could hear 
comments and concerns as well as answering some questions about the 2 
million dollar budget shortfall.  The meeting on Jan 14 is being called for 
the same purpose.  This gives those who couldn't attend on the 7th a chance 
to talk with the board.  Those who attended on the 7th are also invited to 
participate on the 14th, if they would like to continue the conversation 
started on the 7th.

At this meeting, the board will not yet be prepared with a proposal for how 
to run the district with $2M less.  The meetings on the 7th and 14th serve 
the dual purpose to get input from the public before a proposal is made and 
to answer those questions that can be answered now.

This is the regularly scheduled monthly board meeting.  The primary topic 
will be a presentation of a proposal or set of proposals that delineate how 
the district would deal with $2 million less, in the event there is no 
additional funding through a levy or relief from the legislature.  There 
will not be an opportunity to specifically engage in a dialogue with the 
board about the proposal although there will be time at the very end for 
public statements as there is at every monthly board meeting.  The proposal 
is simply a starting point and will certainly undergo many modifications, 
based on public input at the next meeting (Jan 28) and beyond.

MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 6:30-8:30pm
The purpose of this meeting is to have a public discussion about the 
proposal presented on Jan 22nd.  There will be a short summary of where 
things stand now followed by an invitation to engage in a dialogue with the 
board initiated by comments, concerns and questions from those attending.

These are clearly very important meetings for any taxpayer, but especially 
for those of us  who have children in the school system.  The board and the 
district are making every effort to incorporate all citizens into the 
process and I encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities while 
our input has a chance to make a difference in the future of our school 

All three meetings will be held in the Jr. High Multi-Purpose Room (MPR).

Dave Potter,
chair MJHS Parent Team

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