Re: Can't keep quiet any longer!!!
To answer Walter's question, I know that communities in or near which there
are military bases are compensated by the Federal government for the increased
numbers of military dependant children in their school systems. What the
computation is, I cannot tell you, but the Department of Defense should be
able to .
Don Kaag wrote:
> << We have people using our schools and not paying a dime to do
> so. The biggest problem here is the Family Housing on the U of I. The
> way I understand it, and if I am wrong please tell me, there are no
> taxes paid on the Family Housing units when they where built and there
> is no property tax paid on them now. Also there is no use fee charged to
> the families that are using our school and yet they are allowed to vote
> on levies that would raise property taxes!!! This is not right!!! >>
> There is such a thing as a "payment in lieu of taxes" which I believe could
> be made by the U of I on behalf of these families. I believe the federal
> government might do this for public school systems on Indian Reservations.
> Any one know?
> Walter Steed
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