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Re: School cuts...

Larry, what is the root cause of this situation?  I graduated from MHS
in 1978 and even then, the $ we had for science and school requirements
seemed inadequate.  I also heard, enrollment in Moscow schools has/is
dropping?  If this is true, why is the population of Moscow seemingly
increasing (couldn't believe the number of homes in the fields now)?  I
remember as a kid the population was around 14K and I just returned from
a visit for Thanksgiving and noticed the city limits signs indicate
around 22K.  I've only been home to visit family twice in the past 8.5
years but I have to say the huge changes I have observed appear very
positive.  Improvements in roads, buildings, businesses, yet Moscow's
charm remains. My sincere compliments to Moscow's leaders and people.
Yet, this school situation is troubling.  I spoke with my father and
while not complaining, he indicated his taxes had doubled recently
(lives north of town and stated it had been five years since his
property was last appraised).  Regardless, where is the $ going and what
needs to be done to resolve the current situation?  I don't believe
raising taxes or conducting more levies is the answer.  Perhaps
examining local priorities and reallocation of current funding is needed
to some degree?

P.S.  Don and Ellen at Gambino's still have the best Italian food --
thanks you two!

Phil Cooper

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