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Re: anyone there?

susan i was told by a retired phone company person, that telemarketer will have 5 people on there calling list and they dial all five at one time and the first person that picks up the phone will get the telemarketer and the others will have no one on the line. hope this helps
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: anyone there?

For the last 1-2 weeks, our phone has rung anywhere from 1 to 3 different times almost daily with nobody (seemingly) at the other end. We are on the no-call list with the State of Idaho, so we no longer receive telephone solitications. These mysterious calls are different--not the brief pause before a telemarketer is connected, rather nobody responds to the hello even if we stay on the line and wait.
The reason I post this is that my parents have reported to us that they are experiencing the same thing, as is another couple we know.
I am wondering if this recent phenomenon is fairly widespread, or is just isolated to us. I am curious if any of you are also experiencing this. Does anyone have an explanation for it?
Many thanks ... and enjoy Thanksgiving.
Susan Palmer

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