RE: anyone there?
Yes, the same has been happening with our phone. I haven't got a clue. A
couple of weeks ago our entire block including McDonald School was without
phone service for several hours. Probably just phone gremlins.
Cliff Todd
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan []
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: anyone there?
For the last 1-2 weeks, our phone has rung anywhere from 1 to 3 different
times almost daily with nobody (seemingly) at the other end. We are on the
no-call list with the State of Idaho, so we no longer receive telephone
solitications. These mysterious calls are different--not the brief pause
before a telemarketer is connected, rather nobody responds to the hello even
if we stay on the line and wait.
The reason I post this is that my parents have reported to us that they are
experiencing the same thing, as is another couple we know.
I am wondering if this recent phenomenon is fairly widespread, or is just
isolated to us. I am curious if any of you are also experiencing this. Does
anyone have an explanation for it?
Many thanks ... and enjoy Thanksgiving.
Susan Palmer
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