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Reply to John Danahy


I am distressed by your letter about why you will vote "no" on the
upcoming levy.

We have three children and each of them went  through the Moscow School
District and graduated from Moscow High School.  They certainly had a
different experience than the one you describe.   I find it difficult to

believe that if a student studies hard and applies him/herself, they
would be  "far behind the vast majority of other public school
graduates."  Our children all graduated from college and had successful
college experiences.  I asked each of them if they felt like they were
"far behind the vast majority" of their peers upon entering college and
they each said "no".  Any time that we had a concern, the teachers and
administrators were always more than glad to meet with us and help to
resolve the problem.

I also find many of your statements do not  represent the attitude of
the teachers that I both taught with for 15 years, and that my children
were taught by during their years in the Moscow School District.  You
certainly use a "broad brush" to paint you picture of the district
personnel, and I'm personally offended by the tone of your letter.  The
majority of teachers that I have had first-hand experience with in this
district are very hard-working, dedicated professionals, not people who
would think "What! Actually teach? Why would someone do that, it is just

more work!"

I'm sorry you feel the way you do about our school system here in
Moscow.  I personally am very proud to have been a teacher in this
school district, and feel very thankful that we were able to raise our
children in Moscow and have them attend the public schools here.  I
think that students play a major role in how successful their lives will

be, and I'm proud of the choices that my children made.

Judy Pilcher
Moscow, Idaho

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