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Re: questions about school district levy

Don - don't forget - that the county you live in entitles you to vote in the 
state and national election (and also the county runs the election) - but you 
can ONLY vote in city elections if you live within the city limits.  Hope this 


> wrote:
> > 
> > I might be able to answer one of your questions.  I think the main reason 
> > two elections can't (or shouldn't) be combined is because the school 
> > is quite large and covers much more than the city.  Only those people who
> > actually reside within the City limits can vote in the city election.  So 
> > have to have one section for city election only; and one section for school
> > district only; and maybe one section for both.  Trust me when I say that 
> > is a great deal to running an election.
> > 
> This would explain why, in even numbered years in
> November, we can't vote for county, state and national
> candidates in the same election. What? We do? Hmmm.
> Don Coombs

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