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Fire Station 3

I would like to say several thank you's related to the passage of the Fire Station #3 bond levy.
Thank you to the committee, volunteers and community members who helped get the word out. A special thanks goes to Larry Ayer at ZFUN & KRPL for coordinating all the radio advertising and public service announcements.
Thank you to the community members and businesses who donated funds to the Yes Committee- you know who you are.
Thank you to the incredible fire department volunteers who made us feel proud to support a department that is second to none in the State.
Thank you to the City Council for starting 6 years ago studying the need for this facility and bringing it to City voters. The results confirm that your timing was correct.
Thank you to all those who raised valid questions and concerns. We did our best to answer you.
Thanks to Chief Strong and his staff. 
Thank you to my co-chairs Tom Crossler and Jim DeMeeleer.
To get over 70% of the vote is an amazing feat. It was also encouraging to note that the number of voters was nearly 50% higher than the last City election.
To those of you who did not support the bond, please know that I look forward to working with you as the City moves forward with this project. It seemed that many of you were concerned about the partnership between the City and rural fire district.  I know City Supervisor Gary Riedner intends to continue negotiations with the rural fire district as soon as construction and operating costs are known. I will accept responsibility to keep you informed as those negotiations progress. We are all hopeful that the cost estimates are less than the 2.5 million the bond authorized and the ultimate bill to taxpayers is less than projected. If there are other concerns, I know your council members would want to hear from you.
Jon Kimberling

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