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FW: Agendas

Monday, November 5, 2001		                                 4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of October 29, 2001

2.	Port District Letter/Agreement - Randy Fife
Port of Whitman County is purchasing Avista Fiber's fiber optic cable which 
runs from Pullman to the University of Idaho campus.  The Port of Whitman 
County wishes assurances from the City that the Port can continue to 
utilize the fiber optic pathway on City owned right-of-way.  Attached is a 
letter Agreement which should serve both parties' purposes until such time 
as a formal easement can be drafted, approved and recorded.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1K
ACTION:  Recommend approval of temporary easement pending negotiation of 
permanent easement; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

3. 	Mutual Assistance Agreement - Don Strong
The attached agreement is necessary to formalize a mutual aid agreement   
between the City of Moscow and Whitman County Fire District #12.
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION:  Recommend approval of agreement and authorizing Mayor's signature 
thereon; or take other action deemed appropriate.

4.	Personnel Policy Recommended Changes - Leslie Moss
The proposed personnel policy changes listed on the attached staff report 
have been reviewed by Department Heads and the Employee Advisory Committee. 
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1J
ACTION:  Recommend approval, denial, or modification of changes; or take 
such other action deemed appropriate.

5.	Rolling Hills Addition Preliminary Plat Extension Request - Joel Plaskon
Rolling Hills Sixth Addition preliminary plat has been approved by the 
Planning & Zoning Commission and by Mayor and Council.  The applicant 
requests a six-month preliminary plat approval extension as per the 
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1I
ACTION:  Recommend approval of request for a six-month extension of 
preliminary plat approval for Rolling Hills Sixth Addition; or take such 
other action deemed appropriate.


11/19/01:  Annexation Procedures - Joel Plaskon
Sidewalk Vendors - Gary J. Riedner
Discussion of Policy for Donating Bicycles - Gary J. Riedner
Entrance Park Planning with University of Idaho - Randy Rice
Lewis/Clark Celebration Impacts - Joel Plaskon
Community Recognition Awards - Gary J. Riedner

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

Monday, November 5, 2001	  	                                      5:00 p.m.
206 E. Third  Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of October 29, 2001

2.	Accounts Payable for September, 2001 - Karen White

3.	Electrical Specialists - Mark Cook
James Robinson, owner of Electrical Specialists, desires to expand the 
current building footprint over an existing city storm sewer.  Public 
Works/Finance Committee heard this issue August 13, 2001 and requested 
additional information from the proponent.  Robinson is now prepared to 

ACTION:  Recommend requiring an encroachment permit (prepared by City 
Attorney Randy Fife) for the existing encroachment over the City storm 
sewer line and consider a second encroachment over approximately twenty 
feet of additional line, supporting Mr. Robinson's business expansion 

4.	Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
The new sorority proposed at the northeast corner of 7th and Elm requires 
the construction of public sidewalks both on 7th and on Elm.  A development 
agreement is required for them to obtain a building permit in advance of 
having the sidewalk constructed.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
ACTION:  Recommend approving the Agreement and authorizing the Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

5.	Agreement for Professional Software Programming Services between City of 
Moscow and Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI)  - Mark Cook
This professional services contract provides software programming necessary 
for wastewater treatment plant automation.  In addition to automating plant 
operations, alarming, noticing and report generation are supported within 
the contract scope of work.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the service contract and authorize the 
Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

6.	ITD Cooperative Maintenance Agreement - Dean Weyen
The standard agreement for the City/State maintenance responsibilities of 
the State Highway routes within City limits is being modified to reflect  
 the new five-lane project on Highway 95 from Sweet Avenue to the South 
Fork Palouse River Bridge.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement and authorize the Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

7.	Blaine Street to East City Limit Pathway - Dave Klatt
This federal aid project has advanced into the final phases of project 
development.  Before the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will submit 
the project for plan preparation and bidding, the City must enter into an 
agreement with ITD.  The agreement outlines the State's and City's 
participation, and obligates the City to provide $24,000 to cover the 
City's anticipated share of project construction costs.
			Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Agreement and accompanying Resolution 
and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon; or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Issues - Mark Cook
AIC Legislative Issues Update - Gary J. Riedner

Monday, November 5, 2001	 	                           7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street, 2nd Floor

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Election Day, Veterans Day

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of October 15, 2001 - Chris Bainbridge

B. 	Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September 2001 - Karen 
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for September 2001 
and recommends approval of the following:
General	532,169.08	
Parks & Recreation	171,494,15	
1912 Center	217,689.33	
Arts	6,864.43	
Street	109,505.85	
Airport	0	
Hamilton P&R	8,648.93	
911	10,970.94	
HUD Reserve	0	
Water & Sewer	362,022.96	
Sanitation	178,898.21	
Parking	3,508.77	
WWTP Construction	1,898,380.59	
LID Construction	1,398.10	
LID Bond & Interest	0	
TOTALS	3,501,551.34	

C.	Allocation of Grant Funds From Council Workshop for Community Services 
-Steve Busch
The City Council met in a workshop session to review outside agency 
requests submitted under the Council's grant program.  As the attached 
summary indicates, 15 groups submitted requests totaling $58,075.00.  After 
individual presentations, the Council prioritized the requests and 
allocated available budget funds of $15,000.00 as indicated on the enclosed 
summary sheet.

ACTION:  Accept recommendations from the Council workshop individually 
awarding agency funding, authorize staff to notify the agencies of the 
awards and disburse funds.

D.	Agreement for Professional Software Programming Services between City of 
Moscow and Technical Systems, Inc. (TSI)  - Mark Cook
This professional services contract provides software programming necessary 
for wastewater treatment plant automation.  In addition to automating plant 
operations, alarming, noticing and report generation are supported within 
the contract scope of work.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee 
November 5, 2001.
											ACTION:  Approve the service contract and authorize the Mayor's 
signature thereon.

E.	ITD Cooperative Maintenance Agreement - Dean Weyen
The standard agreement for the City/State maintenance responsibilities of 
the State Highway routes within City limits is being modified to reflect 
the new five-lane project on Highway 95 from Sweet Avenue to the South Fork 
Palouse River Bridge.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee November 
5, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.

F. 	Blaine Street to East City Limit  Pathway - Dave Klatt
This federal aid project has advanced into the final phases of project 
development.  Before the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) will submit 
the project for plan preparation and bidding, the City must enter into an 
agreement with ITD.  The agreement outlines the State's and City's 
participation, and obligates the City to provide $24,000 to cover the 
City's anticipated share of project construction costs.  Reviewed by Public 
Works/Finance Committee November 5, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve the Agreement and accompanying Resolution and authorize 
the Mayor's signature thereon.

G. 	Whitman County Fire District #12 Mutual Aid Agreement - Don Strong
The attached agreement is necessary to formalize a mutual aid agreement 
between the City of Moscow and Whitman County Fire District #12.  Reviewed 
by Administrative Committee November 5, 2001.

	ACTION:  Approve agreement and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.

	H. 	Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Development Agreement - Dean Weyen
The new sorority proposed at the northeast corner of 7th and Elm requires 
the construction of public sidewalks both on 7th and on Elm.  A development 
agreement is required for them to obtain a building permit in advance of 
having the sidewalk constructed.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance 
Committee November 5, 2001.
		ACTION:  Approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature 

	I. 	Rolling Hills Addition Preliminary Plat Extension Request - Joel 
Rolling Hills Sixth Addition preliminary plat has been approved by the 
Planning & Zoning Commission and by Mayor and Council.  The applicant 
requests a six-month preliminary plat approval extension as per the 
attached.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee November 5, 2001.
ACTION:  Recommend approval of request for a six-month extension of 
preliminary plat approval for Rolling Hills Sixth Addition; or take such 
other action deemed appropriate.

	J. 	Personnel Policy Recommended Changes - Leslie Moss
The proposed personnel policy changes listed on the attached staff report 
have been reviewed by Department Heads and the Employee Advisory Committee. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee November 5, 2001.
ACTION:  Recommend approval, denial, or modification of changes; or take 
such other action deemed appropriate.

K.	Port District Letter/Agreement - Randy Fife
Port of Whitman County is purchasing Avista's fiber optic cable which runs 
from Pullman to the University of Idaho campus.  The Port of Whitman County 
wishes assurances from the City that the Port can continue to utilize the 
fiber optic pathway on City owned right-of-way.  Attached is a letter 
Agreement which should serve both parties' purposes until such time as a 
formal easement can be drafted, approved and recorded.  Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee November 5, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve temporary easement pending negotiation of permanent 

2.	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing - L.I.D. #129 - Dave Klatt
A resolution of intent to create L.I.D. #129 was approved by the Council 
October 1, 2001 to create a local improvement district for the 200 block of 
North Roosevelt Street.  LID organizers have been notified of the estimated 
cost of $22,194.00 and the three affected residents received notice of the 
public hearing.  If created, the street improvements would be made 
approximately June 2002.  An ordinance to create L.I.D. #129 and a 
resolution to deal with protests, if any, regarding the L.I.D. are 

(a)	Hold public hearing;
(b)	pass resolution, if necessary, to deal with any protests;
(c)	after public hearing reject or adopt Ordinance creating L.I.D. #129 on 
first reading or under suspension of the rules requiring three full and 
complete readings and that it be read by title only.

3.	7:30 p.m. Public Hearing -  Proposed Vacation of 8th Street , Gritman 
Hospital - Joel Plaskon, Mark Cook
Gritman Medical Center is requesting that the City vacate Eighth Street 
supporting a proposed expansion of the hospital.

ACTION:  Hold public hearing; grant or deny request to vacate Eighth Street 
in response to Gritman Medical Center; or take such other action deemed 
appropriate.  Consider accompanying Ordinance on first reading, or approve 
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate 
readings, and that the Ordinance be read by title only.

4.	Fire Station Bond Presentation - Don Strong

	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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