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Fire Station #3

Recent events have reminded us all of the great important of public safety. That is just one of the reasons I'm pleased to share with you the flyer and fact sheet being distributed by the Vote Yes Committee. In my opinion, Moscow is very fortunate to have the incredible volunteers who make our fire and emergency medical services run so smoothly and at such a bargain to taxpayers. Fire Station #3 is needed so we can provide the same level of service to north Moscow and out toward Viola.
We welcome your comments and questions. If you desire, I could arrange for a sign supporting this project to be placed in your yard.
Lastly, Assistant Fire Chief Rod Hackwith is the first speaker tomorrow at the Chamber of Commerce business luncheon hosting the candidates for Mayor and City Council. I hope to see you there- University Inn Best Western at noon.
Jon Kimberling
Vote Yes Committee

Fire Dept flyer.pdf

Rural Fire Dept Fact Sheet Final.1.doc

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