Re: Action
Bullitt Bullitt wrote:
> Heard US military action is expected "within hours". Great! It's about
> time. Also heard where additional terrorist strikes against US assets
> are currently guaged at 100%. Anytime we have a terrorist action it
> must be responded to with force and destruction 1000X harder than what
> we experience. Also, any large scale strikes by terrorist factions
> should result in immediate nuclear strikes on their major metropolitan
> areas....Kabul and Baghdad for a start. Bottom line, it's now us
> against them and I choose us. If they are determined to "destroy"
> western culture -- we must destroy them utterly and completely. We used
> nukes on Japan with great results. Let's employ the same tactics
> against the Middle East before they achieve any level of higher
> destructive ability. Knock them completely out and then take over their
> natural resource areas.
> Bullitt
I guess it's conceivable that Bullitt is serious. In
that case, if enough of us let him or her say these
things without contesting them, we will have started
losing something a lot more serious than just a "war."
We will have started losing our chance to help direct
the future of the world toward fairness and justice.
The clue to me that Bullitt is really attempting deep
scalpel-sharp satire is his or her last sentence: Take
over their natural resource areas! That supports the
liberals' (yeah, that includes me) suspicion that we
only care about the Mideast because of OIL.
So now I guess I want to compliment Bullitt Bullitt on
his presentation.
Signed, Bomb Bomb Bomb
(Don Coombs)
- References:
- Action
- From: (Bullitt Bullitt)
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