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Winter & Chipman Trail Safety

Good morning gentlemen,
As I was enjoying my daily trip from Moscow this morning I chatted w/ 
a fellow 12month bike commuter.  We were lamenting the danger of the 
trails bridges once things get chilly and frost/snow/ice forms.  We 
struck up the idea that painting the Trail's bridges w/ a black paint 
with sand mixed in (as is used on climbing walls to provide grip) 
would be an excellent means to add user safety through enhanced 
traction.  This method would both be a catalyst for sun melt and for 
grip from sand grains cutting through light ice and frost.

I am sure in these tight budget times it may take some creative fund 
raising, but I believe this or a similar solution is possible. 
Further, we need not paint all of a bridge's surface.  A simple 3' 
wide center strip would be highly effective.  Similarly, having a 
strip would facilitate those of us who have discussed shoveling off a 
path on the bridges the first morning after a snow.  As you both 
know, we actually have few snows, and lots of sun in between storms. 
By shoveling off snow quickly and having a dark surface user 
safety--of cyclists as well as runners and walkers--would be greatly 
enhanced on these most dangerous segments of the Trail.

Thanks for your thoughts and interest,

         * * * * * * * *
         Sean Michael, Ph.D.
         Assistant Professor
         Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
         Washington State University

         149 Johnson/ Pullman 99164-6414
         509.335.1470  /  .8690 F

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