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FW: loves you

you have changed our course with your email.  don't know if you have any
idea.  when we realized posters we put up for our friends would make it to
do some good across the country, we followed your lead and put up more
posters with ideas from people from around the country.  anyway, because you
started the ball rolling and told us there was somebody out there who could
use our  anti-hate posters, we have sent out TENS OF THOUSANDS of posters.

a reporter from the Albany Times Union is doing a story on how you and our
family is getting posters out.  we have requested that they print a helpful
poster in their paper with the article.

the reporter wants to talk to you, too.  so, if you're into it, let's get
the story out and get a newspaper to help its area do what you have done at
Wash. State!  they'll be an example for all.

we got on AOL's guidestar emergency help page, but their next "build" isn't
until Oct. 1 and they have asked us to get any publicity possible until

mike and i love you, of course.  but we've already said that.

Kristie is cool.  She's a reporter up in Albany (back in albany, to you).
she printed up a poster when we were on the phone.

her email is

if you can get local press to help out in your area, we will help you in any
way we can.

tell kristie we said hi.

and thank you for inspiring us to not sleep anymore!  we feel great about
helping people this way.  and i know you do too.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve de Sève []
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 1:54 AM
Cc: Mikedeseve; Karen de Seve
Subject: loves you

hi debbie,

Wow.  thanks to you, posters from a vigil that meant so much to us in this
brooklyn neighborhood has found its way to others.  we new yorkers are all
from somewhere else.  my brothers and sister and i moved here from up in the
berkshires on the ny, vt, ma border.  our neighbors moved here from yemen
and other places.  everybody here was involved in the attack, and in
interfaith vigils and gatherings.  and we want to send a message to our
brothers and sisters across the u.s. that terrorists like McVeigh and Bin
Ladin know the battlefield is our hearts and minds.  It does not matter in
the big picture that we can't find Bin Ladin, because we are all on the
battlefield already.  And the battle is for unity.  Getting different groups
together to do unity projects together like poster neighborhoods together,
will do 2 things; get people face to face and working together, and spread
the word.

Many people are sitting on the fence, wavering between suspiscion and
courage.  We broadcast posters to fuel cross faith and ethnic unity
projects.  Maybe participating in a unity media project, or reading a poster
at a time of doubt or confusion will help a person choose to have the
courage to speak up for unity when others are listening.  "Be the media"

On the street in front of my house, 2 days after we were attacked, a group
of teenagers walked by.  One boy was saying to his friends, "did you know
that Allah, their word for God, means Terror in their language."

There is so much wrong with this statement.  But we have to listen to it as
we listen to the streets and media all over the u.s. and respond.  We
started making posters to get up to get people some knowledge and some
encouragement not to let the terrorists win the battle of our hearts and
minds by turning us against each other.

We are focused on getting interfaith groups together.  But other types of
groups, especially youth centers would benefit from postercasting too.  Can
you hook us up with people who can get youth groups cooperating with each
other to form poster groups?  Somebody out there can hook this up.  And
we'll do our best to keep up providing the resources.  We are coordinating
new york volunteers who are giving so much to get the word out that new york
is all about unity, we have been living together for a long time, and this
tragedy is bringing us all closer in response to it.

Thanks for helping spread the word of unity.  You know, those posters are
from a vigil yesterday on the promenade in brooklyn heights.  You've
probably seen the place in a movie like Moonstruck.  Only yesterday it was
filled with all kinds of people of all kinds of ethnicities and religions.
The smell of the smoke from the electrical fires was in the air.  And when
we looked across at our famous view, there was still a dark cloud rising
from the ground where another crazy person is trying to make us turn to fear
and hate.  You have brought something from that moment across the country.
And, as New Yorkers, we thank you for spreading the word.


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