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Re: Big Finger(s)!!

Some may be enjoying the exchange as I have, however. I don't read every
line but I read most and find the opinions fascinating. The delete key is
fairly easy to hit.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: Shahab Mesbah <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: Big Finger(s)!!

> Shahab,
> Thanks for recognizing how much of the discourse has been yours (although
> are not alone). I recommend that more extended exchanges that are largely
> between two individuals be directed off the listserver--that is, "reply"
> than "reply to all." I know that my parents have already unsubscribed
> they found the volume overwhelming and not relevant for the larger list.
> Best,
> Susan
> > Dear friends,
> >
> > I have to say I am starting to worry that I am hogging the stage here. I
> > hope in my excitement of this great and rewarding discussion I have not
> > extinguished the will for friends to express their opinions. I have big
> > fingers! (As in... big mouth... get it?!) Please do not let me
intimidate or
> > discourage you from contributing to this discussion. The more people
> > involved the better... please allow us to learn from your perspective.
> >
> > "Your brother in arms"
> > Shahab...
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------
> This message was sent by First Step Internet.

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