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Fwd: Virus Security Reminder - Sept. 24, 2001

Since we all all sharing stories, articles, and other current event
related info, I thought this may be a timely reminder...

 Subject:	ALL PRC (Company Sensitive): Virus Security Reminder - Sept.
24, 2001
 	 There is a new virus called Troj_Vote.A in the wild being spread
through email. Email with this virus has the subject of  "Fwd:Peace
BeTween AmeriCa And IsLam!" and the infected attachment within the email
 is named "WTC.exe." 
 	As is always, the correct course of action if you happen to get one of
these emails is to delete it immediately. Do not open it or send it to
anyone else. We have had no reported incidents of this virus in Northrop
Grumman, and again ask that you be vigilant when opening email. 
	Our Email virus protection software has been updated with the
appropriate pattern files to catch and eliminate the virus. The Symantec
NAV virus definition that is required to protect against this virus has
 not yet been released, but will be obtainable as soon as it is made
available from Symantec. Please visit the Safe Computing WebSite at: 

Always follow these important Tips for protecting your computer from
 *	Make sure current anti-virus protection software is installed,
including machines at home that access Northrop Grumman systems 
 *	Never open attachments from unknown addresses - attachments are often
the vehicles for viruses and worms. 
 *	Be careful even with e-mail from a known address - a few viruses use
the mailing list of an infected computer to send out its destructive
 *	Stay informed. 

 Thank your for your help.  If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact the Customer Service Center immediately 
           Northrop Grumman Messaging Control Center
           Hawthorne, California

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