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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

>Kill all terrorists? Weren't the Minutemen of colonial
>American terrorists from the British perspective?
>Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?

I don't think the Minutemen were - weren't they an organized fighting body?
But certainly tarring and feathering of tax collectors and such smacks more
of terrorism.

Anyway, you're into the Good v. Evil problem which I mentioned in my post.
Their fight for freedom - which I think is a serious mischaracterization of
the recent attacks - infringes on our freedom.  They must die or be
otherwise eliminated.  Them or us - that's what it is now.

See the stuff on television about at least one of the hijackers, Atta,
attempting to rent or buy a crop duster?  Now why would they want a
cropduster . . .


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