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Reaction to Bush Speech

  I was truly amazed and proud of President Bush's speech tonight. Never
has a President since Kennedy addressed the nation during the Cuban
Missile Crises has one appeared before his fellow American citizens
under such unbelievable circumstances (those who criticize our reaction,
think once again in your mind how many people died Sept. 11--thousands.
Not 10. Not 100. Not 500. Several THOUSAND estimated). And this is
coming from one that when Bush told the military "Be ready"--my heart
almost broke as my youngest brother is in the military. My hopes is that
where he is deployed overseas the military will have the power to keep
him and his fellow airmen safe from attack. The "what if" is there. Of
course there was no "what if" of something happening to New York and
D.C. If we can't protect our own military headquarters on own on soil,
what guarantee will it have for a airbase overseas near the
action?       Let us as Americans stand behind Bush as the people stood
behind Roosevelt after Pearl Harbor.

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