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Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

In a message dated 9/20/01 7:04:29 PM, writes:

<< there is only one way to eliminate terrorism. Once
you eliminate the cause... you will eliminate the symptoms. >>

The following was filed by Reuters today re former Israel Prime Minister 
Netanyahu's remarks before a congressional committee.

"He said the ultimate goal of Islamic militants, emboldened by their victory 
in Afghanistan over the former Soviet Union, was the destruction of the 
United States. Any signs of weakness in retaliating for the hijack attacks 
that left more than 6,500 people dead or missing will be seen as 
encouragement for more strikes, he said. 

"Unless they are stopped now, their attacks will continue, and become even 
more lethal in the future," Netanyahu said. 

Some states that support such groups already have access to biological and 
chemical weapon capabilities, he said, and could one day soon gain access to 
rudimentary nuclear bombs. 

But once such groups learn that the United States will not withdraw in fear 
but instead will strike back hard, he said, "then you will see this danger 

He also said something to the effect that people who try to analyze these 
people and their motives just don't understand the gravity of their acts.

If they are upset that we went into Saudi Arabia to free one of our partner 
countries from Iraq occupation, that cannot be reversed; it happened.  If 
they are upset that we live in houses and not caves and despise our 
prosperity, then I know of no American who would give up his standard of 
living expecting them to stop their barbaric attacks and adopt us as their 
friends. Personally, I have no interest in winning the friendship of people 
who have done what they have done.

<<If you think that we can make a
bubble of security around us and ignore everyone else you are sadly
mistaken. What happens on the other side of the world will affect you here.>>

We do not attempt to ignore every one else.  These terrorists are against 
everyone who is not like themselves and anything we can do to stop them 
before they nuke or attack with chemical or biological weapons Paris, Rome, 
Sidney, Moscow, London, etc., will be to the benefit of civilization.

I'm not sure what "Your brother in arms" is intended to convey, but the 
President reiterated tonight before Congress, "If you are not with us against 
terrorism, you are against us."  To not support the U.S. and its chosen 
course of action in this fight is to turn a blind eye to the potential of 
even greater devastation in the future.

Walter Steed

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