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West Park 4th Grade Student Letters

        Visionaries:   These letters come from Carrie Bitterwolf's 4th
grade class at West Park.
         I found the letters uplifting and inspiring, and thought I should
share them with you.

         Rep. Tom Trail
>> >
>> >I have been told that some of these letters did not come through in the
>> >attatched form.  Therefore, I am forwarding them to you in a text
>>format.  I
>> >hope you enjoy them.  CMB
>> >
>> >> Dear Sir:
>> >>      We have heard from many adults and important persons about this
>> >> tragic attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon.  Many
>> >> innocent lives were lost, some American, and some from other countries.
>> >> Last Friday, on our nation's Day of Remembrance, my fifth grade students
>> >> wrote the attached letters.  This class is a mini-United Nations as we
>> >> have the children of many foreign students and other cultural groups
>> >> attending West Park Elementary School in Moscow.  I thought you might
>> >> to share these letters as part of your Letters to the Editor (as the
>> >> students intended).  Each time I read them, I am reasured that our nation
>> >> and world will have intelligent and caring leaders for a long time to
>> >> come.
>> >>      Thank you.
>> >>              Caroline M. Bitterwolf, Ph.D., NBCT
>> >>              Fifth Grade Teacher
>> >>              West Park Elementary School
>> >>              Moscow, Idaho 83843
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >Dear Editor:
>> >       I'm worried there's going to be more destruction and more and more
>> >people will die.  I feel very very sorry for the people that lost parents
>> >and relatives.  I also feel sorry for the firefighters and policement that
>> >died  or the fire fighters and policemen that got stuck in the building.
>> >The thing I want to know is why someone would think of doing such a thing.
>> >I'll never forget the horrible day that this happened.
>> >       God Bless All.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Brittney Lee Abdallah
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Fellow Americans,
>> >       What happened Tuesday is something America will never forget.
>> >Tuesday morning was filled with terror.  Lots of people were harmed.  Many
>> >of them were killed.  People say this reminds them of Pearl Harbor, but
>> >is nothing compared.
>> >       If you lost some people in the towers or airplanes, pray for the,
>> >bless them.  Even if you did not lose someone, pray.
>> >       America is strong.  America will never let you down!  That day,
>> >September 11, 2001, is a "Day of Infamy."  If you think you lost
>>someone for
>> >good, it's not true.  They are right there by you, helping you to go
>>on.  We
>> >will make it.
>> >       We lost a lot of firefighters and policemen trying to save people
>> >that were stuck in the buildings.  Those were very brave men and women, and
>> >we are too!! American won't give up that easily.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Alex Alvarez, Jr.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       I am sorry for what happened in New York and Washington, D.C., and I
>> >hope not too many Fire Fighters and Police Officers died.  I also hope ;you
>> >find more people alive under the rubble of the World Trade Center and
>> >Pentagon.  I hope our country doesn't go to war.  I hope that the Army and
>> >our leaders catch the men who set this up.
>> >       Today, Friday, September fourteenth, at noon, our class went out to
>> >the flag in remembrance of the people who died.  I hope the workers can fix
>> >the Pentagon fast.  I will always remember that day.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Devin Barnes
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Editor:
>> >       I feel very unhappy about the terrorist attack.  This horrific
>> >attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon is terrifying for all of the
>> >United States.  It is magnificent that they have found so many people under
>> >the debris already.
>> >       I won't feel the same ever again.  Because of this attack, I will be
>> >sad for a long time.  To have the World Trade Center fall down was like the
>> >main city getting destroyed.  What scares me most is if the terrorists are
>> >still alive, where will they hit next?  Are we ready if another attack
>> >Will our planes be secure in the future?  That's why I will still be scared
>> >in the future.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Kelly C. Brandt
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       The story of what happened to the U.S.A. has been going around in my
>> >head, so I'd like to tell the whole story in your newspaper.  Now I'll tell
>> >it to you.
>> >       One day a group of terrorists went to airports and stole a few
>> >airplanes.  Meanwhile, President Bush was in Florida.  Then the terrorists
>> >made a suicide mission and crashed into the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of
>> >the World Trade Center.  A plane also circled the White House.  Meanwhile,
>> >the Secret Service (Federal Protective Agency) too President Bush to a
>> >hideout in Louisiana and then one in Nebraska.
>> >       That's the story.  Why did the terrorists do something like that?
>> >My teacher Mrs. Bitterwolf says the terrorists are individuals, not
>> >countries.  Everyone should pray for who we lost.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Abel Carv
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Fellow Americans,
>> >       I am very sorry for what happened.  If I could give up my life at
>> >the World Trade Center and the Pentagon for all the people that died, I
>> >would, but I can't.  If I could, I would tell the people who are doing this
>> >to STOP.  God bless America that we're doing the right thing.  I hope
>> >nothing else bad happens to the U.S.A. and its people because we are
>>good to
>> >other people.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Alexis M. Fitze
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       I am grateful for your effort to keep my family informed of what is
>> >happening.  I don't think you are doing a bad job at all.  Will you keep it
>> >up, please?  I appreciate it.  I feel sorry for any who have lost someone.
>> >I am fortunate enough that I have not.
>> >                       Yours truly,
>> >                       Jasmine Greene
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       I know that you feel sad about that tragic event on Tuesday, so I
>> >hope this will cheer you up a bit.  First of all, President Bush is
>> >your safety.  Second of all, my classmates are writing to other unlucky
>> >people.  Third of all, maybe President Bush is sending out the Secret
>> >Service or the F.B.I.
>> >       You should never be scared of terrorists because if you are, the
>> >terrorists will win.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Logan Johnson
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Fellow Americans,
>> >       I am sorry for any loss in your families.  I can't imagine what
>> >sorrow you feel.  It must be horrible to lose a loved one.  I hope they
>> >those responsible for your losses.  Again I am dreadfully sorry for what
>> >happened to the people lost on that day.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Mike Lund
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Police Officers,
>> >       I am sorry that you lost so many police officers.  I hope you catch
>> >the terrorists who blew up the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the
>> >planes that crashed.  I hope most of the policemen are found still
>>alive.  I
>> >hope a lot of people survive from the attack.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Quincy Moore
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       It was a horrible tragic day at the World Trade Center.  Bless the
>> >people who have lost someone.  I don't really get the reason why terrorists
>> >do those things, but I think it is very wrong to do so.  I hope it won't
>> >happen again.  Maybe someday there won't be any terrorist s at all.  If I
>> >had been in New York, I would be very terrified.  Some of my family aren't
>> >American citizens yet, but they give their prayers, too.  President Bush is
>> >a great leader in trying to stop all of this.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Angeline Peterson
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Police Officers,
>> >       I am sorry for the loss of your fellow Police Officers.  I hope you
>> >get more brothers and sisters, and I hope that ;your chief continues to
>> >wise decisions.
>> >       I am sorry that you lost 63 good Police Officers and I hope you get
>> >more.  I hope you have good police dogs in the search.  I feel terrible
>> >so many people had such a quick death.  I am sorry for the people that were
>> >buried.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Garret Rounds
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >Dear Sir or Madam:
>> >       I think that you are doing a great job at trying to find people that
>> >are buried where the World Trade Center Twin Towers and one wing of the
>> >Pentagon were.  I hope that you find clues and every single person
>> >responsible for the terrorist bombings.
>> >       The second wish is there would be no more terrorist bombings in the
>> >United States of America or the whole world.  I hope that the U.S. will
>> >the terrorists and punish them and whoever helped them.
>> >       I feel sorry for the firefighters, policemen, and workers who died
>> >in the terrorist bombing.  I hope that we can build another Twin Towers
>> >because I've never seen them in real life.
>> >                       Sincerely,
>> >                       Ankar Sawir
>> >
>>Dr. Tom Trail
>>International Trails
>>1375 Mt. View Rd.
>>Moscow, Id. 83843
>>Tel:  (208) 882-6077
>>Fax:  (208) 882-0896
>>e mail

Dr. Tom Trail
International Trails
1375 Mt. View Rd.
Moscow, Id. 83843
Tel:  (208) 882-6077
Fax:  (208) 882-0896
e mail

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