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RE: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Dear PC,

If we resort to terrorism would they not have one? It seems to me the best
way to deal with this is to eliminate terrorism not make it more wide
spread! I would hope that the greatest country in the world is stronger than
that... I know that my American brothers and sisters are far stronger than
that. We cannot loose this fight... if we become the very thing we hate we
will surely perish.
"Your brother in arms"

-----Original Message-----
From: P C []
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: this applies to Iran and Iraq as well!

Dear Osama Bin Laden, Yasser Arafat, and Sadam Hussein, et. al.  We are
pleased to announce that we unequivocally accept your challenge to an
old-fashioned game of whoop-ass.  Now that we understand the rule that
there are no rules, we look forward to playing by them for the first
time.  Since this game is a winner-take-all, we unfortunately are unable
to invite you to join us at the victory celebration.  But rest assured
that we will toast you -- LITERALLY.
While we will admit that you are off to an impressive lead, it is
however now our turn at the plate.  By the way, we will be playing on
your court now.  Batter up!

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