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FW: Agendas for Monday Meetings

-----Original Message-----
From:	Chris Bainbridge
Sent:	Thursday, September 13, 2001 2:33 PM
To:	Dale Pernula; Dan Weaver; Dave Klatt; Dean Weyen; Don Lanpher; Donald 
Strong; Gary Riedner; Joel Plaskon; Katherine Sink; Leslie Moss; Mark Cook; 
Mike McGahan; Randy Fife; Roger Blanchard; Ron Craig; Tom Scallorn
Cc:	''
Subject:	Agendas for Monday Meetings

Monday, September 17, 2001	                                     4:00 p.m.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of September 4, 2001

2.	Fee Resolution -  Gary J. Riedner
The City budget for FY 2002 proposes an increase in commodity water rates, 
sewer rates, and other miscellaneous rates.  The attached information 
explains the affect of the rate increases.  Idaho Code requires that a 
public hearing be held in any case when fees are increased in excess of 
five (5) percent.   A public hearing before Council is scheduled for 
September 17, 2001.
			Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION: Recommend denial, modification or approval of resolution; if 
approved, recommend authorizing Mayor's signature thereon. or take other 
action deemed appropriate.

3.	Ordinance Amending City Supplemental Codes Requirement - Randy Fife
Idaho State law has recently changed from requiring the City Clerk to keep 
three certified copies of codes, to keeping one copy of codes.  The purpose 
of the bill is to save cities the expense of keeping multiple copies of 
supplemental codes.
				Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION:  Recommend approval of ordinance under suspension of the rules 
requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title 
only; or take other action deemed appropriate.

4.	Ordinance Amending Fingerprint Requirements - Don Lanpher
Idaho State Police has informed us that pursuant to a recent FBI review of 
all state statutes and ordinances, most local ordinances which require 
fingerprinting and submission to the FBI do not reference Idaho Code ? 
67-3008.  To be in compliance with Public law 92-544 which authorized 
national criminal history record checks, all local ordinances will need to 
be amended.
				Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION:  Recommend approval of ordinance under suspension of the rules 
requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title 
only; or take other action deemed appropriate.

5. 	Agreement with AVISTA Utility/Ortho Photography - Dave Klatt
The City of Moscow has been working jointly with AVISTA, Latah County and 
the University of Idaho to obtain digital ortho photography of the city. 
 AVISTA is to be the "licensor" and the City of Moscow will be a "licensee" 
of the final product.  An agreement is necessary between AVISTA and the 
City to cover use and distribution of the digital photo.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement and authorizing the Mayor to 
sign upon satisfactory inspection of the product; or reject the agreement 
and return for modification; or take other action as deemed appropriate.

7.  	Proposed Ordinance Calling a Special Election to Authorize Issuance of 
General Obligation Bonds - Katherine Sink
An ordinance is necessary to call a special election to be held November 6, 
2001 to authorize issuance of general obligations bonds in the aggregate 
principal amount of not to exceed $2,500,000.
			Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION:  Recommend approval of ordinance under suspension of the rules 
requiring three complete and separate readings and that it be read by title 
only; or take other action as deemed appropriate.


Monday, September 17, 2001	         5:00 p.m.
206 E. Third  Street, Second Floor

1.	Approval of Minutes of September 4, 2001

2.	Accounts Payable for August, 2001 - Katherine Sink

3.	Change Order #5 for 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Additional modifications which have taken place during construction 
necessitate a change order.  Total increase covered by this change order is 
$12,210.25 and is within the budgeted contingency amount.  	
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1C
ACTION:  Recommend approval of Change Order #5 and authorize the Mayor's 
signature thereon; or take other action deemed appropriate.

4. 	Contract Amendment with Latah Sanitation, Inc. - Gary J. Riedner
Pursuant to the City of Moscow Solid Waste Franchise Agreement with Latah 
Sanitation, Inc., the Franchisee is granted authority to adjust the 
contract amount annually in conformance with changes in the Consumer Price 
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION:  Recommend approval of changes to Exhibit I and authorize Mayor's 
signature on amendment; adopt resolution adjusting Curbside Recycling fee 
and authorize Mayor's signature thereon; or take other action deemed 

5.	Harrison/Adams Storm Sewer - 2001 Bid Results - Mark Cook
Bids were opened September 12, 2001 for the replacement of 616 feet of 
existing storm sewer in the Harrison/Adams/Spotswood/Logan system.  This is 
the last segment to be replaced.  The low bid of $36,777 was submitted by 
Ace Elliott Landscaping.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION:  Recommend acceptance of low bid from Ace Elliott Landscaping and 
authorize Mayor's signature on subsequent agreement; or take other action 
deemed appropriate.

6.    Proposed Lighting Retrofit Project - Roger Blanchard
Staff has been working with Rebuild Idaho and Avista Utilities to evaluate 
City buildings and identify energy conservation measures.  A requirement to 
participate in the program is to obtain City Council approval for projects. 
 The next step in the process is to solicit bids for the projects so that 
actual lease documents can be prepared.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E
ACTION:  Recommend authorizing staff to move forward with the project; or 
take other action deemed appropriate.

7. 	Fee Resolution for Fiscal Year 2002 - Gary J. Riedner
The City budget for FY 2002 proposes an increase in commodity water rates, 
sewer rates, and other miscellaneous rates.  The attached information 
explains the affect of the rate increases.  Idaho Code requires that a 
public hearing be held in any case when fees are increased in excess of 
five (5) percent.   A public hearing before Council is scheduled for 
September 17, 2001.
				Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION: Recommend denial, modification, or approval of the fee resolution; 
if approved, recommend authorizing the Mayor's signature thereon; or take 
such other action deemed appropriate.

8.  	Timber Management Agreement with Bennett Lumber  - Gary J. Riedner
For the past two budget years, the budget included proceeds from the sale 
of 20 acres of city-owned land at the peak of Moscow Mountain. Because of 
the nature and location of the property, it has been suggested to have the 
land professionally managed.
					Council Agenda Item #7
ACTION:  Recommend approval of the agreement with Bennett Lumber for timber 
management; or take such other action deemed appropriate.

Monday, September 17, 2001	                    7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers,
206 East Third Street, Second Floor

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of September 4, 2001 City Council Meeting - Chris 

	B.	Approval of Accounts Payable for August, 2001 - Katherine Sink
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for the month of 
August 2001 and recommends approval of the following:
General                 471,948.80	
Parks & Recreation           182,405.31
1912 Center                     201,869.45	
Arts                                8,307.33	
Street                             109,530.14	
Airport                                      0	
Hamilton P&R                   15,145.31	
911                                     12,956.33	
Bond & Interest                              0	
HUD Reserve                                 0	
Water & Sewer                   1,075,661.86	
Sanitation                               181,977.95	
Parking                                     5,533.06	
WWTP Construction            1,247,912.01	
LID Construction                    98,404.19	
LID Bond & Interest              85,800.00	
LID Guaranty                                    0	
TOTAL                                  697,451.74	

C. 	Change Order #5 for 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Additional modifications which have taken place during construction 
necessitate a change order.  Total increase covered by this change order is 
$12,210.25 and is within the budgeted contingency amount.  Reviewed by 
Public Works/Finance Committee September 17, 2001.
	ACTION:  Approve Change Order #5 and authorize the Mayor's signature 

D. 	Agreement with AVISTA Utility/Ortho Photography - Dave Klatt
The City of Moscow has been working jointly with AVISTA, Latah County and 
the University of Idaho to obtain digital ortho photography of the city. 
 AVISTA is to be the "licensor" and the City of Moscow will be a "licensee" 
of the final product.  An agreement is necessary between AVISTA and the 
City to cover use and distribution of the digital photo.  Reviewed by 
Administrative Committee September 17, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon. 

	E. 	Proposed Lighting Retrofit Project - Roger Blanchard
Staff has been working with Rebuild Idaho and Avista Utilities to evaluate 
City buildings and identify energy conservation measures.  A requirement to 
participate in the program is to obtain City Council approval for projects. 
 The next step in the process is to solicit bids for the projects so that 
actual lease documents can be prepared.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance 
Committee September 17, 2001.
ACTION:  Authorize staff to move forward with the project.

F. 	Harrison/Adams Storm Sewer - 2001 Bid Results - Mark Cook
Bids were opened September 12, 2001 for the replacement of 616 feet of 
existing storm sewer in the Harrison/Adams/Spotswood/Logan system.  This is 
the last segment to be replaced.  The low bid of $36,777 was submitted by 
Ace Elliott Landscaping.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance September 17, 

ACTION:  Accept the low bid from Ace Elliott Landscaping and authorize 
Mayor's signature on subsequent agreement.

G. 	Contract Amendment with Latah Sanitation, Inc. - Gary J. Riedner
Pursuant to the City of Moscow Solid Waste Franchise Agreement with Latah 
Sanitation, Inc., the Franchisee is granted authority to adjust the 
contract amount annually in conformance with changes in the Consumer Price 
Index.  Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee September 17, 2001.

ACTION:  Approve changes to Exhibit I and authorize Mayor's signature on 
amendment; adopt resolution adjusting Curbside Recycling fee and authorize 
Mayor's signature thereon.

2. 	Public Hearing - 7:30 p.m. Proposed Fee Increases to be included in FY 
2002 Fee Resolution  - Gary J. Riedner
The City budget for FY 2002 proposes an increase in commodity water rates, 
sewer rates, and other miscellaneous rates.  The attached information 
explains the affect of the rate increases.  Idaho Code requires that a 
public hearing be held in any case when fees are increased in excess of 
five (5) percent. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance and Administrative 
Committees September 17, 2001.

ACTION: Hold public hearing and approve rate increases; or take such other 
action deemed appropriate.

3.	Recycling Center Improvements Presentation and Budget - Gary J. Riedner
The City of Moscow Recycling Center has been under consideration for needed 
improvements for the past several years, and council has budgeted moneys 
for such improvements.  Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed the project 
and recommended staff proceed.

ACTION:  Authorize staff to negotiate with Castellaw Kom Architects to 
provide design (including Special Use Permit process) and construction 
management services for Recycling Center Improvements; or take such other 
action deemed appropriate.

4. 	Ordinance Amending City Supplemental Codes Requirement - Randy Fife
Idaho State law has recently changed from requiring the City Clerk to keep 
three certified copies of codes, to keeping one copy of codes.  The purpose 
of the bill is to save cities the expense of keeping multiple copies of 
supplemental codes.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 17, 

ACTION:  Consider the ordinance on first reading; or approve ordinance 
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate 
readings and that it be read by title only; or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

5. 	Ordinance Amending Fingerprint Requirements - Don Lanpher
Idaho State Police has informed us that pursuant to a recent FBI review of 
all state statutes and ordinances, most local ordinances which require 
fingerprinting and submission to the FBI do not reference Idaho Code ? 
67-3008.  To be in compliance with Public law 92-544 which authorized 
national criminal history record checks, all local ordinances will need to 
be amended.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee September 17, 2001.
ACTION:  Consider the ordinance on first reading; or approve ordinance 
under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate 
readings and that it be read by title only; or take such other action 
deemed appropriate.

6. 	Proposed Ordinance Calling a Special Election to Authorize Issuance of 
General Obligation Bonds - Katherine Sink
An ordinance is necessary to call a special election to be held November 6, 
2001 to authorize issuance of general obligations bonds in the aggregate 
principal amount of not to exceed $2,500,000.  Reviewed by Administrative 
Committee September 17, 2001.

ACTION:  Consider ordinance on first reading; or approve ordinance under 
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and 
that it be read by title only; or take such other action deemed 

7.	Timber Management Agreement with Bennett Lumber  - Gary J. Riedner	For 
the past two budget years, the budget included proceeds from the sale 	of 
20 acres of city-owned land at the peak of Moscow Mountain. 	Because of the 
nature and location of the property, it has been suggested 	to have the 
land professionally managed.  Reviewed by Public 	Works/Finance Committee 
September 17, 2001.

ACTION: Approve the agreement with Bennett Lumber for timber management; or 
take such other action deemed appropriate.


	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

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