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THE CITY THIS WEEK September 10-17, 2001 Occasional thoughts of a city council member


September 10-17, 2001

from Linda Pall

I wrote a very different message yesterday for my weekly comments and then forgot to e-mail it. Now, I am dismayed, disgusted, shocked, horrified, and repelled by the events of New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC… I cannot comprehend how a heart can be so turned that deeds like these can be contemplated and eventually enacted.

I urge you to join the Moscow Community at Friendship Square for a candlelight vigil Wednesday evening. Consider giving blood. And of course, your thoughts and prayers for the victims, the survivors and their families will be welcomed.

I awoke this morning at 5:30 AM and everything was fine. I got up and did all the usual morning things, dogs out in the back garden, sunny late summer morning, water on the face and a fluffy towel… and then I turned on the radio. By 6:30 AM, the world had changed irrevocably. One thing is truly the case: these senseless acts can simply not be allowed to change our belief in freedom, tolerance and human rights.

Out of respect…

Out of respect for the people who were killed and injured on the East Coast, we have postponed the Downtown Charette on September 11 but we think there will still be some opportunity to cover the Vision and Values issues in the October session. We have also postponed the Paradise Path Task Force meeting previously scheduled for Tuesday the 11th.

Downtown and Historic Preservation…

The Historic Preservation Commission of the City will have a session with the consultants at the Incubator building on South Main, next to the new fountains from 4:00 to 5:30 PM. If you’re especially interested in the historic fabric of downtown, this would be a great meeting to attend.

Paradise Path Task Force…Have you pulled a Weed at Berman Creekside Park?

Always looking for voluntarism and excitement in the bargain, Paradise Path people pulled a pile of weeds last Sunday. When we reschedule our meeting, we’ll look to the future plans that the Task Force outlined last time will be refined and a work program finalized. This is one of the most fun city groups to work with… and yes, you get some exercise too! Come and join us! Everyone is welcome to observe and participate. We’re an open group of folks concerned that our path system needs to be connected and expanded! Y’all come! If you’d like to connect, please contact Roger Blanchard, at Moscow Parks and Recreation.

More on the Dream Team II…Maybe Postponed…

We’ll be looking at possible project development on an activity center at F and Mountain View. Should it be set apart from the pool? Should there be a central entry/exit? What should the center contain? Any special concerns that we could look at now that would cost us little but make all the difference in the use and enjoyment of the facility?

This will be at 4:30 PM in City Council chambers, City Hall, Wednesday, September 12 but check before you come.

Water, Water Hardly Anywhere…

It is dry. It is VERY dry. This is the perfect time to consider the future of water in Idaho. The Department of Environmental Quality is doing a future oriented project and needs our collective wisdom. The meeting, facilitated by Department staff and including city and county participation, will be Wednesday afternoon September 19 at City Hall. I think the time is from 3-5 PM but I’ll confirm next time I write… or just watch the paper and radio announcements.

Results of working on 1912 Center Fees…

The fees were set at $15.00 per hour for use of the Great Room by non-profit groups and $50.00 an hour for ‘for profit’ groups. This is not too bad a bite: the $10.00 per hour fee for admission charging groups had not been changed since 1981. While I would have liked to retain the two-tier arrangement (half price for those community groups that don’t charge admission, $15 for those that do), the compromise single price was better than the higher price proposed. Besides, I think that this is a winner because people will find "n +1" ways to use this beautiful space.

Next Council Meeting…

City Council comes around again next Monday, September 17. Stay tuned for the agenda.

All the best,


THE CITY THIS WEEK September 10-17, 2001.doc

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