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Re: No such promise

In a message dated 9/2/01 1:11:24 PM, writes:

<<I challenge the project's critics to

work with me and other members of the Mayor's Task Force to find ways to

bring the cost down.">>

Priscilla, you certainly did and I met with you.  My answer was, forget that 
albatross and build a reasonably priced facility, even one that looks just 
like the 1912 building but for half the dollars.  This project has had a life 
of its own driven by the desire to remodel an old building at any cost (pun 

<<The Palouse Discovery Science Center

is working with the City on a potential lease agreement and guess what ...

the cost may well be too high for PDSC to afford.>>

This is precisely what I was getting at in my reply to Lujane's earlier 
comments.  Recklessly spending other peoples money can, and apparently is, 
coming home to roost and the taxpayers and users are the only source of 
ongoing funds.

<< The City had no incentive because the Council promised not to fund

the renovation. >>

The City had no incentive because as more than one city council member has to 
told me as I have questioned the outrageous cost, "it is donated money," 
meaning, why worry?  Well, now may be the time.

Walter Steed

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