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Re: No such promise

In a message dated 9/2/01 7:25:57 AM, writes:

<< if the money is all private funds (donations and fundraising). It is not

public funds and therefore should not be of a concern to "public" >>

Because it is a PUBLIC building bought by the City of Moscow, i.e., the 
citizens, whether we were asked if we wanted it or not.  My problem with its 
maintenance is, 1) the original comments that no tax dollars would be spent 
on the building and 2) that maintenance has been estimated at over $150,000 
per year and elected officials that will recklessly spend someone else's 
donated dollars to renovate a building, would conceivably recklessly spend 
someone else's taxes to maintain.

Supporting a reasonably priced NEW community building (we could have had one 
of twice the size for what this one is costing) would probably have cost much 
less to maintain as a new building is much less expensive to operate than an 
old one.

Finally, there is the exponentially expanding city office space situation.  
When I moved to Moscow in 1989 the city offices were in what is now the 
police station.  We have now added a three story old post office whose first 
floor, thanks to the seniors and others being moved to the 1912 Building, 
will now be remodeled into more office space to the tune of $120,000 of tax 
dollars; the former State Jobs Service building and now new offices into some 
portion of the1912 Building for which I am sure the City will pay itself rent 
(for maintenance) raised from taxes.

Walter Steed

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