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Re: Professional Firefighters of Idaho

It is possible the Professional Firefighters of Idaho have contracted with
a fundraising organization. In my past experience, those fundraising
organizations come off as if the individuals actually were police or
firefighters or whatever. Upon further questioning/research one finds out
they are actually people employed by the fundraising organization. Those
organizations don't necessarily employ the greatest fundraising tactics
and seem to collect a great percentage of the actual money raised,
but if nobody alerts the Professional Firefighters of Idaho organization
to the inadequacy of the information provided by the fundraising
organization, how else will they know?

On another note, I find it ironic that some (ref. John Carlson's email)
think the firefighters (and other 'high-risk' professions) should just
DEAL with the fact that their jobs are dangerous because they knew full
well the pay and risks when they went into it. Contrast that to this
past thread on how the teachers are suffering mightily because their pay
is low and we must fix that somehow ignores the fact that people do choose
to be teachers knowing that the pay is terrible.

I completely agree that the pay is ridiculously insulting to teachers.
Both of my in-laws are teachers and they have given me great insight into
their working conditions/pay/etc. My father-in-law actually used to be a
firefighter in the summer to supplement his teacher pay, so I guess he got
the best or worst of both worlds. Thankfully, intelligent, caring and
talented individuals still do accept these wages and work countless hours
teaching our children. However, there are many professions in which
valuable services are provided at pay which, to me, is not in proportion
to their importance. Eg. why the UI football coach is one of the highest
paid individuals in the state. Nothing against Coach Cable, but this
service is not as valuable to me as many others. But that's how it's
funded. Why?  Who's priorities determine this stuff? Sure the market
influences it, but what else?

Rambling on a Friday afternoon,
Debbie Gray

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Linda Pall wrote:

> Dear Visionaries, Tom and Rep. Tom,
> There is a very reputable organization called the Professional Firefighters
> of Idaho, the union that represents organized firefighters in various paid
> fire departments around the state. I am forwarding all of this to my Boise
> contact, because it sounds as if someone is acting without the authority of
> this organization!
> Thanks for alerting us. Remember though, the real ones are great folks!
> All the best,
> Linda

  Debbie Gray
  We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to
  have the life that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell

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