Convenient parking is a luxury, not a God-given right
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 15:14:45 -0700, Tim Hillebrand wrote:
>species called a parking spot. Good luck! I really feel sorry for
>students, staff, and faculty who are forced to pay exorbitant parking
>fees just so they can perform their functions. It reminds me of the old
Oh pu-lease! "Forced" is a pretty strong word to use. I know of
several people (myself included) that rely on their own physical
stamina and strength to endure the 10-15 minute walk from non-permit
parking areas, and they all seem to live relatively full and happy
Has our society become so sedentary and spineless that walking a few
blocks is considered a HARDSHIP? From what I've seen of UI commuters,
many could benefit from a brisk 10 minute daily walk. Nothing beats
fresh air and exercise for both physical and psychological health.
Plentiful and close parking has been the existing incentive for people
to drive their cars to campus, it would be great to see UI implement
some incentives for carpooling and biking...
- References:
- Parking
- From: "Tim Hillebrand" <>
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