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7/18/01 Zoning Commission Agenda


Regular Meeting, Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting to be held in Room 2-B, Latah County Courthouse

1.         Adoption of Minutes of the following meetings:

            June 20, 2001

2.         Findings of Fact:

            Hamburg Conditional Use Permit #511B
            Bradberry Rezone # 616

3.         Public Hearings:

            7:05 P.M. CUP #617 - A request by North Latah Highway District
for a Conditional Use Permit to construct a truck storage building in a
floodplain.  The property is located to the east of Travis Road and to the
north of Highway 6 on lots 8 & 9 of the Potlatch Highway Tracts Subdivision
and on parcel #RP42N05W359915A all in Section 35, Township 42 North, Range 5
West, B.M., Latah County.

4.         Other Business

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