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City leaders and the 1912 Center

On Saturday, the Daily News ran a good front page story headlined "Moscow leaders plan for future."  In the article, Ted McDonough reported on the city's two-day strategic planning process.  He paraphrased Steve Busch, council president, who said he hopes the process will enable the council to anticipate city needs, rather than reacting to situations.  For example, he said the city's project to turn the 1912 High School into a community center arose out of the building's availability rather than city leaders determining a need for the facility.
On one hand, Steve is right.  It is certainly true that the building itself has been a catalyst for incredible energy and financial resources. The building itself inspired people to dream about -- and work hard for -- a place where members of the community could come together. So in a way Steve is right. City leaders responded to a great opportunity. 
On the other hand, I wonder who Steve is thinking about when he says city leaders didn't identify the need for a community center.  Mayor Comstock has provided real leadership on the 1912 Center, as have Council Members Linda Pall, Peg Hamlett, and Jack Hill.  I admire their willingness to step forward on a project that has, admittedly, not had unanimous support. 
I commend the City Council for working on strategic planning.  I hope that council members will use the process to reach consensus and seek input from the community, rather than as a platform for their particular positions on public policy.
Priscilla Salant

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