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Re: Cultural Creatives

Interesting Dena! Yes, it is really astonishing how many people in our
culture seem to be obsessed with trying to fill their every waking
moment with distractions - be it trying to acquire even more "toys",
television addiction, rushing around in their cars but not really
getting anywhere, always keeping busy...

Ask yourself this: When was the last time you just laid on the grass
and watched the clouds float by? Spent time picking flowers with your
children rather than buying them the newest PlayStation game so they
will shut up and not bother you? Went for a quiet walk in the woods
for no other reason but for the solitude and quiet?

As Thoreau wrote in _Walden_, "In proportion as he simplifies his
life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude
will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness."


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