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Human-Powered Festival and Community Bike Ride

Think your SUV has power? Get fit while at the same time decrease
greenhouse gas emissions via HUMAN powered transportation!  The more
you ride, the more powerful your 'engine' gets! On Wednesday the 18th
and Friday the 20th of April, Friends of the Clearwater is having a
Human Power Festival / Earth-Day Celebration.  Here are some of the

Wednesday 18 April
10am-2pm  Displays and Exhibits on the patio of the University Commons
(by the coffee shop) in support of human powered (non-motorized)
transportation and recreation.

12:30pm  Drum Circle on the patio of the commons.  Everyone is welcome
to join in.

2pm-3pm  Shady Riders playing on the patio of the commons.  All
acoustic good music!

7:30pm  "Sawtooths to Selkirks Hike," a slide show by Josh Burnim.
Josh is trekking for 5-months, 800-miles from May to September this
year in support of connecting wildland ecosystems.  He has beautiful
images to show and a great concept to discuss.

Friday 20 April
Walk, Bike, or Skate for transportation on Friday and wear green to
show your support.

2:30pm  Critical Mass Ride!  Meet at the University Commons on the
patio by the coffee shop and bring your bike.  We are all going for a
ride through town.  It's a lot of fun!!

Hope that everyone can make it.  If you would like to set-up a display
or exhibit on Wednesday, contact Scott at 885-6810, the more the

Friends of the Clearwater
PO Box 9241
Moscow, ID  83843
Phone:  208-882-9755  Fax:  208-883-0727
On the web at:

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