Re: Palouse Living trashes community...
Yes Mr. Powell, how dare you suggest that people use a perfectly civilized
and legal form of recourse such as "filing a complaint"!
Furthermore, Mr. Hogan, I don't believe he was "prompting" anyone... he
was posing rhetorical questions intended to spur debate on the issue, and,
as is evident by your "shocked" response, I believe he succeeded.
Clint "Tex" Payton
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Todd Hogan wrote:
> Mr. Powell,
> My name is Todd Hogan. I am the Circulation Manager at the Moscow
> Pullman Daily News. I do review the postings on the Moscow 2020
> community board and was shocked to see your prompting to the community
> to "file a complaint" against the Daily News and to dump these papers
> in front of the building.
> Let's figure out a better solution to this problem rather than acting
> in a manner which will do nothing more than cause further conflicts
> and upset the people in the community who use this publication.
> For example, all a person needs to do is to contact our office and we
> will make every effort to discontinue delivery of this shopper
> product. Since the carriers we contract with are independent agents-
> not employees- we communicate these requests of no delivery to them
> weekly. If repeated requests are not resolved, the carrier's contract
> is terminated and we look for another carrier.
> Mr. Powell, believe me when I say it is not our intention to cause you
> or any other member of our community grief and undue stress because
> you received this publication. If you wish to not receive it, let us
> know. If you could please call me, Mr. Powell, I will personally see
> to it that your address is not delivered to.
> Sincerely,
> Todd Hogan
> Circulation Manager
> Moscow Pullman Daily News
> 409 South Jackson
> Moscow, Idaho 83843
> 1-800-776-4137 ext.202
> email:
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