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Superintendent of Schools Howard and legislators

Please accept this invitation from the League of Women Voters of Moscow 
to attend  the last of our league presentations for this spring. Unless listed 
otherwise in both local newspapers, they are all in the Chiefs Room of the UI 
SUB from 12 noon to 1PM and are brown-bag. As always, there is time for a 
question and answer session following the presentations:

Wednesday, April 11th, State Superintendent of Instruction, Moscow's own 
Marilyn Howard, will discuss education issues during the past legislative 

Wednesday, April 18th will be our annual District 5 Post-Legislative Session 
with all our legislators.

Wednesday, April 25th, Sharon Benson, Rehab Director at Gritman Medical 
Center, will dicuss Adult Day Care.

Interested in joining our active and exciting organization? Please contact me.
Joan Klingler
League of Women Voters
PO Box 9535
Moscow ID 83843
208-882-0727 fax

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