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Latah Foundation grant applications

The Latah County Community Foundation invites proposals from non-profit
groups looking for support for community projects and programs.
 The foundation has set a March 15 deadline for applications for its
second round of grants, said Elaine Broyles of Moscow, president of the
foundation.   [Applications postmarked March 15 will be considered.]
Grant application guidelines are available from the foundation’s
website,, or by calling 892-9209.
 In December, the foundation awarded $24,000 in grants to 30 groups in
Moscow and surrounding communities.  It expects to give similar grants
twice a year.
 The foundation seeks to improve Latah County’s quality of life through
grants to enhance the arts, education, health, social services, the
environment and other community needs.  Grants will be announced in
early May.
 The foundation will normally consider grants up to $5,000, Broyles
said, although grants of greater amounts may be considered under special
circumstances. A match from other sources may be required. The
foundation provides three main types of funding:
* Project or program support for new or existing programs.
* Capacity building support for projects designed to improve an
organization’s capacity to serve its constituents.
* Operating support for start-up or existing organizations, when the
foundation is convinced that such funding for a limited period of time
can make a difference.
 Community foundations serve donors who wish to establish endowments
without incurring the legal and administrative costs of starting private
foundations, Broyles said.  More than 500 community foundations exist in
the United States.
 The foundation also invites bequests and donations to increase the size
of its principal.  For more information about making a contribution,
please contact any board member.
 In addition to Broyles, directors are: Beverly Boyd of Genesee, and
Kenton Bird, Peg Hamlett, Judy Marineau, John Norton, Glenn Owen Jr.,
Jim Pilcher and Mike Thomason, all of Moscow.  The directors have
created a 16-member advisory board to help review grant applications.
For more information, contact Kenton Bird at 883-8321 or

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