approved proceedings for the week of March 5, 2001
Week of March 5, 2001
Commissioners Paul J. Kimmell, Loreca J. Stauber, and John A. (Jack) Nelson
met in regular session on Monday, March 5, 2001, Commissioners Kimmell and
Nelson met in regular session on March 7, 2001; the following actions were
Approved, signed and filed the Commissioners’ Proceedings for the week of
February 26, 2001.
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on a USDA Rural
Business Opportunity Grant application for the Latah County Rural
Communities Resource and Needs Assessment project in the amount of $20,000.
Chris Storhok, Rural Development Coordinator will be the Grant
Filed a lawsuit summons against Latah County and Sheriff Crouch by Valance
T. Barber, seeking an award of $100,000.00.
Filed a Judicial Order granting Summary Judgement of Case CV-99-00574,
dismissing Burrell Schierman’s complaint in its entirety, against Latah
Passed Resolution 2001-08, transferring funds in the amount of $1,275.00
from Current Expense - County Agent “B” Budget to Current Expense County
Agent “A” Budget on March 5, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a Request for Reclassification and Title Change
for Larissa Morton, from Administrative Secretary/Program Assistant, A06, to
Office and Program Coordinator, A08/09, Cooperative Extension, Department
10, Line 03, effective March 1, 2001.
Approved, signed and filed a request for participation by an additional
member on the GIS Development Committee, representing the Treasurer’s
By Motion and Order, authorized the Chair’s signature on Intent To Use
Allocation Form on the Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant in the
amount of $11,300. Funds are used to underwrite a substance abuse treatment
Approved, signed and filed a Request for a Tax Refund by Robert H. Bowles,
TPB087. Tax amount was paid twice in full for 2000, a refund corrects
double taxation.
Approved, signed and filed a Solid Waste Fee Adjustment Request, for one
year only, by Jeanene Annest, MH016450000030A; hardship.
Approved, signed and filed an Indemnity Bond in the amount of $2.50 to Josh
Approved, signed and filed a request to approve a Proposed Summer Schedule
for Planning & Building Department.
Signed and filed the Court Assistance Office Report for February 2001.
By Motion and Order, accept the award of the Mitigation Planning Assistance
Grant, EMS-2001-GR-3061/MA-01-02, from the Idaho Bureau of Disaster Services
in the amount of $5,996. Gary O’Keefe will administer grant, effective
February 2001 through September 30, 2001.
By Motion and Order, approved the Commissioners’ signatures on a letter of
commitment for Bovill’s 21st Century Learning Center grant. The Rural
Development Office will supply data collection/interpretation and other
assistance as needed.
By Motion and Order, approved the application submitted by the estate of
Betty J. Scott to rezone a 23.78 parcel from Agriculture/Forestry to Rural
Residential, RR-5.
Approved, signed and filed a request for a Solid Waste Exemption by Raymond
Jensen, RP39N04W287208A, for February through December, 2001. Home is
Approved, signed and filed a request for a permanent Solid Waste Exemption
by Roger Hamburg, RP41N03W030153A for as long as the properties’ commercial
account remains active.
Approved, signed and filed a request for a Solid Waste Exemption by Driscoll
Farms, Inc., RP38N03W270014A, for March through December, 2001. Home is
By Motion and Order, convened in Executive Session at 11:08 A.M. on March 7,
2001, to discuss Records that are exempt from public inspection; “Indigent
Matters,” pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 11:52
A.M. Sixteen cases approve, two cases denied.
Approved, signed and filed a request to purchase and post signs for the
courthouse proclaiming Latah County Ordinance No. 224 Dangerous Weapons
By Motion and Order, approved sending a letter to the State of Idaho Land
Board requesting they approve the payment of the cost for Tussock Moth
Suppression in Latah County.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
By: Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners
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