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Re: Core samples?

There has been coring activity since November.
Measurements of Geology and the environment are supposed to be taking place. 
These have been scheduled for some time.
Of coarse if ITD had a web page with our local project on it we might all be 
better informed.
The core drillings basically tell the engineers what they are in for with 
regard to setting the base for the road.
  There were supposed to be another set of public meetings this fall but the 
ITD put them off so they can huddle and get more info. Information from 
these tests are likely to show up at a potential future public spin meeting.
  Remembering how things went when the Army Core raised the river.This  is 
no different and it is for the same purposes. The end result will be 
Soon you're likely to see more hotels on Boardwalk,Park place too.
  And the beat goes on.....

>Driving up 95 today from Lewiston I noticed several drilling rigs and
>some stakes with orange flags on top. Are these crews taking soil
>samples for the 95 reroute, or are they just out enjoying a Sunday
>Ry Jones
>Airgap Networks / Moscow, ID 419 730 2199 (fax)

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