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continuing to complain

I have continued to complain, too.
I am awaiting the police report (yup, they still are not done with
investigating whether a violation of the city ordinance has occurred), and
have been promised notice of same by Randy Fife, Moscow City Attorney.  I
have been so promised for the last two weeks.
I, would like to add my voice to Don's and ask the Council to push this
matter forward.
I think it is disgusting that the mall management is getting essentially
what it wanted: no trees/shrubs to "hide" the newly remodelled mall during
the Christmas holiday consumer rush and no penalty for doing so.

"Don H. Coombs" wrote:

> Seeing the agenda for an upcoming city council meeting posted on Vision
> 2020 leads me to ask--
> Do the council members think all the fuss over the removal of the
> landscaping at the Palouse Mall now has died down, and nothing needs to
> be done?
> I'd like response from individual council members as to what, if
> anything, is going to happen.
> I know that different people have different tastes (said the old lady as
> she kissed the cow), but I think the result of the Sunday morning attack
> on the shrubs is
> UGLY, and I think the city council must have the authority to require
> some restoration. I know that if nobody complains nothing will be done.
> Now I want to see what happens if at least one person continues to
> complain.
> Don Coombs

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