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Re: Junk mail: printed and otherwise

A BIG Thank you. I think this is the single best piece of info ever posted to this list.
----- Original Message -----
From: Moscow Recycling
To: Vision 2020
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Junk mail: printed and otherwise

> 1. In the past two months, I've received more than two dozen
> solicitations from credit card companies, offering my
> gold/platinum/plutonium Visas and MasterCards.  I regularly write to the
> Direct Mail Associations asking to be removed from mailing lists, but
> still the junk keeps coming.  Are others having this problem?  Any
> suggestions on how to stem the paper flow?

Kenton and Visionaries--

The reason the Direct Mail Association requests aren't working on the credit
card offers is that your name & address aren't supplied to credit card
companies by the DMA.  Credit card companies usually get your information
from credit reporting agencies.  To remove your name from the address lists
of the major credit bureaus, please call one of the following three phone

Equifax:  1-800-556-4711
Experian:  1-800-353-0809
Transunion:  1-800-680-7293

The bureaus share list information, so you only need to call one of the
numbers.  As with the DMA, it will take a few weeks for your remove order to
be processes, but it really does help stop the credit card offers (I went
from getting 2-3 a week to maybe one every 3 months or so, and that one's
from my college alumni association).

Also, if anyone still needs a Junk Mail Reduction Kit or would like more
information on reducing junk mail and telephone solicitations, send me an
e-mail or visit our junk mail reduction page at the URL below.

Happy Winter!
Robin Baumgartner
Moscow Recycling/Latah Sanitation, Inc.

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