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Re: Agendas

In a message dated 12/1/00 10:46:58 AM, re Moscow City Council Agenda, writes:

<< 2.   Parking Configuration for the 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Current plans for construction of the 1912 building project fail to meet 
onsite parking requirements in an R-4 zone.  As a result, a conditional use 
permit will be required.  In advance of this request, the City Council is 
being asked to formally commit to utilizing the City lot adjacent to the 
Methodist Church as a means of providing replacement parking in lieu of 
onsite requirements.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 4, 

ACTION:  Adopt a motion that documents the City's intention of utilizing 
the City parking lot adjacent to the Methodist Church as a means of meeting 
the parking requirements for Phase One and Phase Two construction of the 
1912 building project; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

Does this mean the persons presently using the lot under discussion are to be 
displaced, will have to get there first or that it has had an abundance of 
spaces all along?

I understand the Fair Grounds uses Eastside Market Place spaces to reach 
their required parking space count.  If this is the way parking requirements 
are handled, why can't everyone count the same spaces multiple times and we'd 
only need one lot in Moscow which everyone could overlap.  Is this 
overlapping done just for public buildings or have any private developments 
been allowed to count off site/off street spaces in other lots to meet their 

Walter Steed

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