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Monday, December 4, 2000		   		                  4:00 p.m.
1. 	Minutes of November 20, 2000

2.	Mutual Assistance Agreement with Latah County - Dan Weaver
The attached Mutual Assistance Agreement with Latah County Sheriff's Office 
is similar to agreements we have with other area law enforcement agencies. 
						Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION:  Recommend approval, rejection, or modification of the agreement.

3. 	Parking Configuration for the 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Current Plans for construction of the 1912 building project fail to meet 
onsite parking requirements in an R-4 zone.  As a result, a conditional use 
permit will be required.  In advance of this request, the City Council is 
being asked to formally commit to utilizing the City lot adjacent to the 
Methodist Church as a means of providing replacement parking in lieu of 
onsite requirements.
						Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION:  Recommend adopting a motion during the Council meeting that 
documents the City's intention of utilizing the City parking lot adjacent 
to the Methodist Church as a means of meeting the parking requirements for 
Phase One and Phase Two construction of the 1912 building project; or take 
such other action as deemed appropriate.

Strategic Planning - Gary J. Riedner
Information Systems Report - Wayne Brannock
Annexation Policy Direction - Dale Pernula

Discuss meeting dates for week of Christmas and New Year's Day

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.


Monday, December 4, 2000						5:00 P.M.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1.	Approval of Minutes of November 20, 2000

2.   Loan Agreement Ratification with DEQ for WWTP - Gary Presol
Acceptance of the loan agreement from DEQ for the WWTP project in the 
amount of 10 million dollars was formerly made by the council; however the 
action that night did not authorize the Mayor's signature on same 
agreement.  This is a request that council authorize the Mayor's signature 
on the agreement.
				Council Consent Agenda Item #1E		
ACTION:  Authorize the Mayor's signature on the agreement

3.  	Approval for Water Department is expend funds budgeted in the FY2000 
Budget - Tom Scallorn
The Water Department seeks approval to expend $240,000, budgeted in the 
FY2000 budget, for the construction of the New Water Department Facilities 
at the Public Works Complex on Van Buren Street.  Funds were to have been 
expended during FY2000 from the reserve fund.  If approved, the $240,000 
will be added to the $400,000 currently in the FY2001 budget for a total 
expenditure of $640,000.
					Council Consent Agenda Item #1D
ACTION:  Recommend approval or denial of expenditure, or take such other 
action as deemed appropriate.

4.	 "A" Street Development Discussion - Gary J. Riedner

Construction Progress Joseph Street Property; 1912 Center - Randy Rice
EPA/DEQ Update - Gary J. Riedner
EDC Update - Gary J. Riedner
Report on Findings of Cell Tower Team - 
Report on Public Works Projects through 2001 - Gary Presol
Speed Limit Change on U.S. 95 North - Gary Presol
"C" Street L.I.D.'s - Gary Presol

OTHER BUSINESS:  Discuss meeting dates for week of Christmas and New Year's 

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

December 4, 2000			                                        7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street

1.	Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the 
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered 
separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.

A.	Approval of Minutes of November 20, 2000

B.	Approval of Renewal of Alcohol and Restaurant Licenses for Year 2001 - 
Chris Bainbridge
The liquor license renewal process for calendar year 2001 is nearly 
complete, although some applicants are still working toward full compliance 
with all City Requirements.  Approval of all renewals is required before 
licenses can be issued.

ACTION:  Approve the attached list of Alcohol and Restaurant License 
Applications for year 2001, pending full compliance with all City 
requirements for such license renewal.
C.	Approval of Renewal of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbroker Licenses for 
Year 2001 - Chris Bainbridge
The business listed below submitted its application and fee for renewal of 
its secondhand dealer/pawnbroker license for the year 2001.  This has also 
been submitted to and approved by the Moscow Police Department for license 
				Moscow Pawn, 527 S Main #2
ACTION:  Approve the Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker License application 
for Moscow Pawn for year 2001.

D. 	Approval for Water Department to Expend Funds budgeted in the FY2000 
Budget - Tom Scallorn
The Water Department seeks approval to expend $240,000, budgeted in the 
FY2000 budget, for the construction of the New Water Department Facilities 
at the Public Works Complex on Van Buren Street.  Funds were to have been 
expended during FY2000 from the reserve fund.  If approved, the $240,000 
will be added to the $400,000 currently in the FY2001 budget for a total 
expenditure of $640,000. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee 
December 4, 2000.

ACTION:  Approve expenditure and direct staff to proceed as necessary.

	E. 	Loan Agreement Ratification with DEQ for WWTP - Gary Presol
Acceptance of the loan agreement from DEQ for the WWTP project in the 
amount of 10 million dollars was formerly made by the council; however the 
action that night did not authorize the Mayor's signature on same 
agreement.  This is a request that council authorize the Mayor's signature 
on the agreement.
ACTION:  Authorize the Mayor's signature on the agreement

2. 	Parking Configuration for the 1912 Building - Randy Rice
Current plans for construction of the 1912 building project fail to meet 
onsite parking requirements in an R-4 zone.  As a result, a conditional use 
permit will be required.  In advance of this request, the City Council is 
being asked to formally commit to utilizing the City lot adjacent to the 
Methodist Church as a means of providing replacement parking in lieu of 
onsite requirements.  Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 4, 

ACTION:  Adopt a motion that documents the City's intention of utilizing 
the City parking lot adjacent to the Methodist Church as a means of meeting 
the parking requirements for Phase One and Phase Two construction of the 
1912 building project; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.

3. 	Mutual Aid Agreement with Latah County - Dan Weaver
The attached Mutual Assistance Agreement with Latah County Sheriff's Office 
is similar to agreements we have with other area law enforcement agencies. 
 Reviewed by Administrative Committee December 4, 2000.

ACTION:  Recommend approval, rejection, or modification of the agreement.

4.	Set Meeting Dates for January Meetings - Gary J. Riedner
The first Monday in January, which is the normal meeting date for the 
Council's January Regular meeting, falls on New Year's Day, a Federal, 
State and City holiday; and the third Monday in January, which is the 
normal meeting date for the Council's January Special meeting, falls on 
Human Rights Day, also a Federal, State and City holiday. Although City 
Code Section 2-2-1 states that in the event a Council meeting falls on a 
holiday the Council will convene on the following day which is not a 
holiday, because there are five Mondays in January, staff recommends 
holding January meetings January 8 and January 22, 2001.

ACTION:  Set meeting dates for January Meetings.


	Administrative Committee
	Public Works/Finance Committee
	Other Boards & Commissions

NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance 
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the 
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may 
be made.

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