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Enterprise Facilitation Event in Portland, OR

I encourage people to seriously consider this opportunity.  Thanks.  Jeff

Carl Jeffry Goebel
Goebel and Associates
Web page:

Oregon Community Leaders and Entrepreneurs Discovering Unique Success
Strategy for Creating Businesses, Jobs
December 1 Portland Summit To Highlight Oregon Enterprise Facilitation

Portland, OR-New businesses and jobs are being created in one of Oregon's
most economically-depressed regions, and the unique entrepreneurial strategy
being used can be adapted by any community or individual interested in
starting or growing a business.
Details of a successful business creation project underway in Baker and
Wallowa counties, and the formula for entrepreneurial success, will be
shared with an audience of civic leaders and entrepreneurs from Oregon and
Washington. The entrepreneurial summit will be held Friday, December 1 from
8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. at the offices of the Oregon Association of
Minority Entrepreneurs located at 4134 N. Vancouver Ave. in Portland.
Oregon Project Already Creating Jobs
Enterprise Facilitation projects, established earlier this year in
northeastern Oregon, have already created jobs for the region. Civic leaders
in two counties have made a commitment to focus on grassroots business
creation. An Enterprise Facilitator provides free guidance for anyone
interested in creating or expanding a business, while civic leaders help
identify resources such as financing, work space and community expertise in
production, financial management and marketing.
"The facilitator helps steer, not drive the project. We know that people do
best when they do what they love, and they're most likely to succeed when
the passion comes from them," says Ernesto Sirolli, the founder of the
Sirolli Institute and pioneer for this grassroots approach. "People are the
social capital. We nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, providing a helping
hand, guiding them and linking them with community resources," Sirolli
"Sirolli's ideas are not just good. They are inspiring, inflammatory, they
resonate," says Peter Donovan, Board member of the Wallowa Business
Facilitation Project.
The Sirolli Difference
The Sirolli approach challenges conventional wisdom about entrepreneurial
development. "In 20 years, I have never found a person who is passionate
about producing the product, marketing it and keeping good financial
records," he added.
Typically, businesses fail because entrepreneurs are pulled away from what
they love to do, in order to do poorly what they hate. The Enterprise
Facilitator helps entrepreneurs understand that the secret of business is to
build a team of passionate people with complementary personalities and
A "New Way" For A New Economy
The need for a "new way" to develop businesses and create community wealth
has never been greater. The September 12, 2000 Wall Street Journal indicated
that the Sirolli approach is resonating with civic leaders and entrepreneurs
who are reshaping the economy. Consider this:
* during the last ten years, virtually all new jobs were generated by small
* an estimated 40 million Americans are running their own small businesses,
an all-time-high;
* by the year 2025, half of North America's workforce will be
The St. Paul, MN-based Sirolli Institute believes a new approach for
business creation is needed in the new economy of the 21st century.
Empowering entrepreneurs and nurturing their business development efforts
creates lasting wealth in communities large and small, from rural towns to
inner city neighborhoods.
Special thanks to the United States Department of Commerce (EDA), the Oregon
Department of Economic and Community Development and the Oregon Association
of Minority Entrepreneurs. Registration information can be found at
Yvonne Fizer
Marketing Director
Sirolli Institute
Toll free:  1.877.sirolli

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