Monday Agendas
- To: "Brant Kucera (E-mail)" <>, "Carrie Huskinson (E-mail)" <>, "Gary Riedner (E-mail)" <>, "Jack Hill (E-mail)" <>, "JoAnn Mack (E-mail)" <>, "Joanna Holder (E-mail)" <>
- To: "KHTR Radio (E-mail)" <>, "Larry Hodge (E-mail)" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>, "Marshall Comstock (E-mail)" <>, "Mike Thomason (E-mail)" <>, "Peg Hamlett (E-mail)" <>
- To: "Roger Blanchard (E-mail)" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "Ted McDonough (E-mail)" <>, "Vision2020 (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: Monday Agendas
- From: Chris Bainbridge <>
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:19:42 -0800
- Organization: City of Moscow
- Reply-To: "" <>
Monday, November 20, 2000 4:00 p.m.
1. Minutes of November 6, 2000
2. Latah County Adult Protection Protocol - Don Lanpher
This agreement directs procedures for addressing adult protection issues.
The agreement has been reviewed by City Attorney Randy Fife.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1F
ACTION: Review and recommend approval, with or without changes; or take
such other action as deemed appropriate.
3. Junk Vehicle Ordinance - Randy Fife
This proposed ordinance is meant to control the proliferation of junk
vehicles on private property by declaring them a public nuisance unless
they are properly enclosed within a structure. Previously reviewed by
Administrative Committee November 6,2000.
Council Agenda Item #3
ACTION: Recommend rejection of Ordinance; or approve ordinance on first
reading under suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate
readings and that it be read by title only; or take such other action as
deemed appropriate; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
4. Request for Proposals to Solicit Facilitator for Downtown
Revitalization Project - Dale Pernula
City and University of Idaho staff have prepared the enclosed Request for
Proposals relative to this project funded by both the City and the
University, and to be coordinated by the Economic Development Council. The
proposed planning project would begin in January 2001 and be completed by
May 2001.
Council Agenda Item #2
ACTION: Recommend approval of the enclosed RFP and authorize staff to
begin the selection process; or take such other action as deemed
5. Review Draft Reasoned Statement for DeMeerleer Rezone at 605 W. Third
- Dale Pernula
A written Findings of Fact/Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and
Standards for granting the rezoning of property located at 605 West Third
Street must be adopted by the Moscow City Council. A proposed document is
enclosed for reviewed.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1H
ACTION: Approve enclosed written Findings of Fact/Reasoned Statement of
Relevant Criteria and Standards
6. Request to Accept Department of Justice Grant for Detective Position -
Cam Hershaw
In July 2000, Moscow Police Dept sought and received a UHP award for one
officer. Although local match was unavailable in the city's budget, the
University of Idaho has agreed to finance the local match for the
three-year duration. The grant funds will be used to establish an
additional detective position, and covers wages and benefits only. The
Moscow Police Department will absorb additional expenses in the current
ACTION: Accept award; authorize City Supervisor to finalize position with
University of Idaho officials, and direct staff further; or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
Palouse Mall Landscaping - Gary J. Riedner
Update of Tower Moratorium, Draft Ordinance - Dale Pernula
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may
be made.
Monday, November 20, 2000 5:00 P.M.
206 East Third Street, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of November 6, 2000
2. Accounts Payable for October, 2000 - Katherine Sink
3. Request to Accept Department of Justice Grant for Detective Position -
Don Lanpher
In July 2000, Moscow Police Dept sought and received a UHP award for one
officer. Although local match was unavailable in the city's budget, the
University of Idaho has agreed to finance the local match for the
three-year duration. The grant funds will be used to establish an
additional detective position, and covers wages and benefits only. The
Moscow Police Department will absorb additional expenses in the current
ACTION: Accept award; authorize City Supervisor to finalize position with
University of Idaho officials, and direct staff further; or take such other
action as deemed appropriate.
4. Approval to Seek Idaho Health and Welfare Grant for D.A.R.E. Program -
Cam Hershaw
For the last several years, Moscow Police Department sought Health and
Welfare funds to assist with the D.A.R.E. program. This grant is formula
based on a "per student" basis, and no matching funds are required. Funds
are used exclusively to purchase booklets, materials, and supplies for the
D.A.R.E. program. Grant funds requested this fiscal year are $5,955.00.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1I
ACTION: Recommend approval to Chief of Police to seek the Health and
Welfare Law Enforcement Education Partnership Grant for Fiscal Year
2000-2001; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
5. Water Usage Letter to Latah County - Tom Scallorn
A draft letter is presented for council review regarding water usage by the
county in irrigation areas, specifically Lions Park.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the letter with or without changes; or take
such other action as deemed appropriate.
6. Bid Opening for Ladder Truck - Don Strong
Two bids were received at the ladder truck bid opening 10:00 a.m. Monday,
November 13, 2000. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc.'s bid was $520,000; and
Wellspring Emergency Product's bid was $503,836. Staff recommends
acceptance of the bid from Pierce Manufacturing as the Wellspring
Manufacturing bid did not meet written specifications.
Council Consent Agenda Item #1G
ACTION: Recommend accepting bid from Pierce Manufacturing and directing
staff to proceed; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
7. Request by John Ficca to construct a waterline within Nelson Avenue -
Dale Pernula/Gary Presol
John Ficca is seeking to obtain a permit for construction of a building
south of his lot located on the Palouse River Drive across the Nelson
Avenue Right-of-way. Fire regulations require that there shall be no more
than 250 feet from any point on a street or road frontage to a hydrant.
Ficca proposes to construct a public line within the Nelson right-of-way
street and to take the cost of construction of that line as a credit
against any future L.I.D. of the undeveloped street.
Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION: Review proposal and direct staff accordingly.
Report on Audit - Katherine Sink
Update of Progress on Public Works Complex - Tom Scallorn
Paradise Path Property Acquisitions - Gary J. Riedner
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the
City Clerk at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may
be made.
Monday, November 20, 2000 7:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers - 206 East Third Street
1. Consent Agenda: Any item will be removed from the consent agenda at the
request of any member of the Council and that item will be considered
separately later. Approval by roll call vote.
A. Approval of Minutes of November 6, 2000
B. Approval of Accounts Payable for the October, 2000 - Katherine Sink
Public Works/Finance Committee reviewed accounts payable for October 2000
and recommends approval of the following:
General 532,355.75
Parks & Recreation 125,583.07
1912 Center 7,349.71
Arts 4,792.99
Street 73,270.66
Airport 0
Hamilton P&R 0
911 10,221.64
Water & Sewer 255,506.26
Sanitation 175,919.29
Parking 4,811.84
Bond & Interest 800.00
LID Bond & Interest 2,668.75
TOTALS 1,193,279.96
C. Transfer of Alcohol License - Laura's Tea and Treasure to Colette
Hoffman, owner of Thorn Creek Grille & Gifts, LLC- Chris Bainbridge
Colette Hoffman, new owner of the Thorn Creek Grille & Gifts, LLC,
formerly Laura's Tea and Treasure, has submitted an application and fees
for restaurant certification, and alcohol license.
ACTION: Approve issuance of restaurant certification and alcohol license
to Colette Hoffman, new owner of the Thorn Creek Grille & Gifts, LLC,
pending approval of inspectors, police department investigation, and
obtaining required State and Latah County licenses.
D. Approval of Renewal of Alcohol and Restaurant Licenses for Year 2001 -
Chris Bainbridge
The liquor license renewal process for calendar year 2001 is nearly
complete, although some applicants are still working toward full compliance
with all City Requirements. Approval of all renewals is required before
licenses can be issued.
ACTION: Approve the attached list of Alcohol and Restaurant License
Applications for year 2001, pending full compliance with all City
requirements for such license renewal.
E. Approval of Renewal of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbroker Licenses for
Year 2001 - Chris Bainbridge
The following businesses have submitted their application and fee for
renewal of their secondhand dealer/pawnbroker license for the year 2001.
These have also been submitted to and are pending approval by the Moscow
Police Department for license renewal.
Charles D. Leaphart, 2nd Hand/1st Hand, 107 S Main
John Hagerty, All About Sports, 218 S Main
Lynn D. Dowty, D & D value Center, 113 N Main
ACTION: Approve the above Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker License
applications for year 2001 pending full compliance of all City requirements
for such license.
F. Latah County Adult Protection Protocol - Don Lanpher
This agreement directs procedures for addressing adult protection issues.
The agreement has been reviewed by City Attorney Randy Fife. Reviewed by
Administrative Committee November 20, 2000.
ACTION: Approve agreement and authorize Mayor's signature thereon.
G. Bid Opening Ladder Truck - Don Strong
Two bids were received at the ladder truck bid opening 10:00 a.m. Monday,
November 13, 2000. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc.'s bid was $520,000; and
Wellspring Emergency Product's bid was $503,836. Staff recommends
acceptance of the bid from Pierce Manufacturing as the Wellspring
Manufacturing bid did not meet written specifications.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee November 20,
ACTION: Accept bid from Pierce Manufacturing and direct staff to
H. Reasoned Statement for DeMeerleer Rezone at 605 W. Third Street -
Dale Pernula
A written Findings of Fact/Reasoned Statement of Relevant Criteria and
Standards for granting the rezoning of property located at 605 West Third
Street must be adopted by the Moscow City Council. A proposed document is
enclosed for reviewed. Reviewed by Administrative Committee November 20,
ACTION: Approve enclosed written Findings of Fact/Reasoned Statement of
Relevant Criteria and Standards.
I. Approval to Seek Idaho Health and Welfare Grant for D.A.R.E. Program -
Cam Hershaw
For the last several years, Moscow Police Department sought Health and
Welfare funds to assist with the D.A.R.E. program. This grant is formula
based on a "per student" basis, and no matching funds are required. Funds
are used exclusively to purchase booklets, materials, and supplies for the
D.A.R.E. program. Grant funds requested this fiscal year are $5,955.00.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee November 20, 2000.
ACTION: Authorize Chief of Police to seek the Health and Welfare Law
Enforcement Education Partnership Grant for Fiscal Year 2000-2001.
2. Request for Proposal to Solicit Facilitator for Downtown Revitalization
Project - Dale Pernula
City and University of Idaho staff have prepared the enclosed Request for
Proposals relative to this project funded by both the City and the
University, and to be coordinated by the Economic Development Council. The
proposed planning project would begin in January 2001 and be completed by
May 2001. Reviewed by Administrative Committee November 20, 2000.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the enclosed RFP and authorize staff to
begin the selection process; or take such other action as deemed
3. Junk Vehicle Ordinance - Randy Fife
This proposed ordinance is meant to control the proliferation of junk
vehicles on private property by declaring them a public nuisance unless
they are properly enclosed within a structure. Reviewed by Administrative
Committee November 6 and 20, 2000.
ACTION: Reject Ordinance; or approve ordinance on first reading under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings and
that it be read by title only; or take such other action as deemed
4. Request by John Ficca to Construct a Waterline within Nelson Avenue -
Dale Pernula/Gary Presol
John Ficca is requesting a permit for construction of a building south of
his lot located on the Palouse River Drive across the Nelson Avenue
right-of-way. Fire regulations require that there shall be no more than
250 feet from any point on a street or road frontage to a hydrant. Ficca
proposes to construct a public line within the Nelson right-of-way street
and to take the cost of construction of that line as a credit against any
future L.I.D. of the undeveloped street. Reviewed by Public Works/Finance
Committee November 20, 2000.
ACTION: Review proposal and direct staff accordingly.
Administrative Committee
Public Works/Finance Committee
Other Boards & Commissions
EXECUTIVE SESSION - Legal Issue - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special assistance
to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments, please contact the
City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so that arrangements may
be made.
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