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Re: Nader votes

At 11:04 AM 11/09/2000 -0800, Duncan Palmatier wrote:
>Thanks Nader and the Green Party for wasting your votes, spoiling the
>election, and giving us an anti-environment, anti-people,
>pro-corporation presidency and legislature.

And by the way, if you credit Nader for a Gore loss, do you also credit him 
for the gains that the Democrats made in the Senate and House?  Perhaps he 
motivated enough stay-at-home voters to come to the polls, and they voted 
Democratic in state races, giving (presumably) Bush such a slim majority, 
that there will be no tax cut for the wealthy, no destruction of Social 
Security, etc.  Enough Republicans will cross the isle to stop that from 
Setting the stage for a Democratic take-back of Congress in 2002.  Because 
the party out of presidential power normally gains seats two years after a 
presidential election.  It won't take much now.

Bob Hoffmann
846 Mabelle St.
Moscow, ID  83843  USA
Phone: (208) 883-0642
Fax: (877) 495-2279

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