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election results

Dear Greg, Kenton, Bob and other readers;

The results reported for Latah County by Kenton don't jive with the
percentages listed. By my calculations based on 15673 voters Bush received
approximately 52% of the county vote, Gore 36%, Nader 6%, none-of-the-above
3.7%, Browne 1.1%, Buchanan .7%, Hegelin .2% and Phillips 0%.

Nader did well enough in Latah county for matching funds. Hope he doesn't
try to collect.

I've always believed that none-of-the-above should always be one of the
choices on the ballot and if nota wins then a new slate of candidates must
be offered. The nota I used above was based on the discrepancy between the
reported total ballots cast and total selections made for a presidential
candidate. Actually I'm sure there were a number of other write-ins. Donald
Duck does reasonably well every year and Pat Paulsen used to get tremendous

Gotta go read all those mad about the mall messages now.

					Your brother in longsleeves;


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