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Re: Palouse Mall mauls the Palouse

Hadn't noticed yet.  Thank-you for bringing this up.

bill london wrote:

>     Did anyone else notice the change in the planting along the front of
> the Palouse Mall?
>     Sunday afternoon, the destructo crew was just finishing up.   The
> shrubbery along the highway frontage strip (that separates the parking
> lot from the Moscow-Pullman Highway) is now virtually devoid of
> shrubbery.  The trees seem to still all be there, but the dozens of
> shrubs (up to 10 feet tall, as I recall) are completely gone.
>     Why?
>     I thought that the mall's plan to ravage that planting strip was
> stopped a few months ago, and that no new plan had been presented.
>     Was this shrubbery destruction OK'ed by the city's Tree Committee or
> by the City Council?
>     BL

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