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Re: gas prices

Bob: I agree in principle with most of what you say. There are 
citizens, however, esp. seniors and infirm, who can't quite meet your 
criteria, however sound. My wife and I are in our late 70's and we do 
walk to "market" quite often but can't quite handle a bike for more 
than a mile, esp. with packages, etc. I know of locals who will drive 
4-6 blocks "to go to work"! Absurd, but we've socialized a generation 
of 4-wheel dependents. If only we had a viable public transportation 
system... Who would ride?  The Rosa Parks? But not here. KM

>At 01:11 PM 10/05/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>>  >    Here's the idea -
>>>     For the rest of this year, don't purchase gasoline from the
>>>    two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL.
>Here's a few better ideas:
>Get past the belief that bigger is better, and trade in your SUV for 
>a sub-compact.
>Ride a bike if your trip is less than 5 miles and if you will be 
>bringing back less than 5 pounds of cargo.
>Use your legs for once, and WALK!
>Use public transportation whenever possible.  For Moscow/Pullman 
>residents, that includes the Wheatland Express between towns: 
>Buy locally made/grown products whenever you get the chance.
>Make a measurable goal to reduce your car trips.  If you plan ahead 
>and combine trips, this should be easy.
>If you work in an office, ask your boss if you can telecommute one 
>or more days a week.
>Stay at (or close to) home on your vacation.
>Reduce your use of plastic products, which are usually made from 
>petroleum.  When store clerks ask "Paper or Plastic?", you should 
>answer "Canvas," and hand them your reusable bag.
>The best way to "boycott" OPEC and the petroleum companies is to 
>reduce your consumption.  When gas prices reach certain high levels, 
>people start conserving (partially by replacing their gas guzzlers 
>with smaller, more affordable vehicles), and OPEC boosts production 
>to make up for the loss in business.
>I am unaware of any consumer action that has seriously affected gas 
>companies and the price of gas except this.  The only exception was 
>the voluntary destruction by an outraged public of their Exxon gas 
>cards after the Valdez ran aground in Prince Williams Sound.
>Remember, we are the reason that gas prices are so high.  We are the 
>market that Big Oil uses to fatten its purse.  But we can't demand 
>huge quantities without paying huge prices.  It's a simple case of 
>supply and demand.  Demand less (from ALL the oil companies), and 
>prices will come down.
>And when prices come down, please have a long memory.  Because if 
>you are again seduced by 4-liter advertisements from Detroit, OPEC 
>will notice, and tighten the spigot.
>Bob Hoffmann
>846 Mabelle St.
>Moscow, ID  83843  USA
>Phone: (208) 883-0642
>Fax: (877) 495-2279

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