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Re: John Arno

The Democratic Party candidate for Latah County Commissioner, District 1, John Arno has responded to the Moscow Vision 2020 candidate questionaire.  His responses are listed below, and will be placed with the other responses on the Moscow Vision 2020 website (at ).

Sharon Lienhard wrote:

 Dear Mr. London,

We found the questions on the internet that the candidates for County Commissioner answered. John Arno doesn't have a computer and didn't get his answers on this web site. The following are his responses to these questions. We hope it isn't too late to get them on the web site. He can be reached at 875-1550 or at this e-mail address  yappy

Thank you.

1.  Short term - The fair grounds were voted down in May but the Commissioners turned around and put $96,000 back into the budget for a parking lot. 43% of the voters wanted it to pass in May and 57% didn't want it to pass. Why didn't they find out why the 57% didn't want it instead of putting money on a dead horse. It goes to show that Latah County Commissioners have the problems in front of them and see what the voters want but don't have the foresight or leadership to solve the problems.  Long Term - Education, growth in rural areas, and the room for more population in Latah County and how is Latah County going to expand its facilities to keep up with this growth. It will take planning, new ground and new buildings because the cost of remodeling is too much and there isn't enough room for the existing areas. Moving the legal part out of the Court House is too much. We are paying rent on Licensing and DMV. We need to move the other offices like Planning and Zoning, Assessors Office, and the Auditors Office  to a new site if they are going to spend the $9.2 million.

2.  Latah County Commissioners do not have the right to trespass on the right of way that adjoins the railroad right of way. When the railroad land is abandoned it is given back to the legal adjacent land owner. All three Latah County Commissioners don't respect the rights of the land owner and the privacy of rural living, therefore, this program should be abandoned at once. The Commissioners should look at the State of Idaho Transportation Department about widening the highway for better travel and a bike path. The overpass at Joel and the Latah Trail come together and the State of Idaho will not build an overpass for a bike trail. The taxpayer over the long term can't afford the trail for so few and not the whole population of Latah County and the lawsuits that will occur during this construction.

3.  The system works well when you have people in there that serve all the people. When people lose respect for the hard earned taxpayers dollar and fluently squirt it into the breeze this is when the system stops being effective.

4.  The commissioners as a whole are lacking representation from each of their districts in planning and zoning and the rural area. The commissioner from each district should have leadership and contact with their district to know what the people want and don't want instead of hiring committees to do the work for them while sitting in the commissioners office waiting for a report.

5.  From the results of the early '90s of Latah County spending money on engineers time in evaluation on a landfill in Latah County the answer is no. Latah County should look at more recycling, more bids on transportation of solid waste, and look at a waste program for wooden and metal materials like the outlying counties have.

6.  E-mail and electronic communications are fine but most of the people in Latah County are in the rural areas and can't afford the luxuries of the Internet or a computer so this is why the Commissioners of Latah County need to circle their meetings in the rural areas instead of Moscow all the time. The best communication is knowing what the people want and need one on one.

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