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Re: candidate questionaire: US House

  One Vision2020 listener wrote me a quick personal note to convey they were
in favor of the death penalty. I hope my comments here aren't constrused as
advocating one position or the other, perhaps Duncan is better suited for

I was honestly ignorant of the fact that federal drug kingpins could be
executed in the U.S., I apoligize for passing that information along and
quickly attempted to right my wrong.

I also think Otter's stance is relevent to voters there and wanted to
highlight his questionaire comment in light of current trends in the U.S. to
temper the sort of headlong death penalty blood lust that existed when the
Contract With America and the War on Drugs resulted in a massive rewrite of
the federal death penalty law, adding some 59 more categories of condemnable

In light of my quick education here, I see that Otter seems to merely support
the law as written — drug dealers can be executed.

cheers, greg

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