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Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale 2000-2001 Concert Series

The Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale, conducted by Charles Neufeld,
presents its first concert on October 13 (Lewiston) and
October 14 (Pullman).

Season tickets are $32 per person for a four-concert series.
Individual concert tickets are $9 pre-sold or $10 at the door.

Please contact me at (208) 892-8086 for information on purchasing season
tickets or advance purchase of individual concert tickets.

I include the concert schedule for 2000-2001 below.


Laura Hill
(208) 892-8086


Concert #1 - "The Heart Sings"
Friday, Oct. 13.
Lewiston, ID, First United Methodist Church, 1906 Broadview, 8:00 pm.
Saturday, October 14.
Pullman, WA, Gladish Community Center Auditorium, 115 NW State St., 8:00 pm.

Concert #2 - "A Wondrous Mystery"
Friday, December 15.
Uniontown, WA, St. Boniface Catholic Church, 8:00 pm.
Saturday, December 16.
Lewiston, ID, First United Methodist Church, 1906 Broadview, 8:00 pm.
Tuesday, December 19.
Moscow, ID.  Presbyterian Church, 405 S. Van Buren, 8:00 pm.

Concert #3 - "Due North: Music from Above the 50th Parallel"
Saturday, March 3.
Moscow, ID.  Presbyterian Church, 405 S. Van Buren, 8:00 pm.
Sunday, March 4.
Lewiston, ID, First United Methodist Church, 1906 Broadview, 8:00 pm.

Concert #4 - "The Heart Worships"
Monday, April 28.
Rosalia, WA.  Methodist Church, 8:00 pm.
Sunday, May 6.
Uniontown, WA, St. Boniface Catholic Church, 7:30 pm (note that this concert
starts a half hour earlier).

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