Curbside Recycling
Dear Visionaries--
Due to an oversight last fall, there is an error in
the curbside recycling calendar for the City of Moscow. Two consecutive
weeks (September 24-30 and October 1-7) are both listed as Week B/Bin B
In order to minimize confusion for the remainder of
the year, we will be following the curbside collection schedule AS
Those residents who cannot hold their Week A/Bin A
materials until the week of October 8-14 are encouraged to bring their
recyclables to Moscow Recycling's 24-hour drop-off. We apologize for this
error and for any inconvenience it may cause.
Please pass this information on to your family,
friends, and co-workers who are participants in the curbside recycling
program. If you have any quesitons, please feel free to call me at Moscow
Recycling (882-0590) or send an e-mail to
Thank you for your help and cooperation.
Robin Baumgartner
Recycling Market Coordinator/Office
Moscow Recycling/Latah Sanitation, Inc.
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